The appointment of elders were intended to protect the - TopicsExpress


The appointment of elders were intended to protect the vulnerability of the flock from false teaching! Timothy and Titus and a few others were left in certain cities to ensure the appointment of elders/bishops there. The church needed a system to preserve the apostle Paul teaching. They had no printing press so Pauls teachings was taught to faithful men who in turn taught it to other faithful men. Those who showed interest in being a bishop had to meet strict qualifications prior to being appointed. Certain people did not qualify: women, new converts, greedy men, drunken men, mean men, men with bad reputation, single men. The pastoral system was intended to solve a problem, not to become some industry. The system is not needed today because the word of God is preserved in written form. We all maintain a relationship with the Lord by studying the written word of God. Unfortunately the world has established a system designed to control Gods people and to keep them from knowing the truth by getting them to put more trust in certified clergymen and women; hirelings who are hired to do a job in exchange for a paycheck. This was and is not the will of God. Think about it! would Christ support denomination indoctrination which is what so many are under the spell of? The true church is ministry, not industry. Furthermore if the pastoral system is still necessary, every person that has appointed themselves have disobeyed God. If the pastor is a woman or a new convert they too have disobeyed God. In fact many who occupy the office today dont meet the qualifications of yesterday. The word of God that we now have in written form can and will protect us from false teachings. We need only to desire the sincere milk of the word and we will grow by studying the word. All converts receive the same holy spirit who is the one who teaches us all and bring the written word back to our remembrance. Trust him, not man. He will not charge you anything week after week. Just take what he gives you freely and give it unto others free. I dare you to get in the word and experience the power of God. Fellowship with other believers for the sake of encouraging and strengthening one another. In these last days you will see that many are nothing more than hirelings. Stop paying and see if they dont leave the sheep. True servants work for a heavenly inheritance. God has given all of us a way to make a living. Its called a job. We can work and serve God too. Therefore if you want to lead, lead by example. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Robbing the people of God is swindling them out of what they need in these hard economic times. May the holy spirit lead many to repentance who have used godliness for financial gain.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:59:53 +0000

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