The attached picture is in no way a representation of Daniel’s - TopicsExpress


The attached picture is in no way a representation of Daniel’s current condition. The doctors are portrayed by actors and no patients were harmed in the construction of this model. Daniel’s cousin, Lydia Art, made this so the doctors would know how to put Daniel back together. I wish it was that easy. She has been very worried and prays for him each night. Thank you Lydia. Spoiler Alert- Graphic medical description to follow. We are definitely on the road to recovery. Dr. Smith, the orthopedic doctor, came in today and removed the pin that was holding him in traction. Daniel finally figured out it was in the bone not the skin. Interestingly, all he had was a pair of bolt cutters and some vise grips. Daniel handles pain very well so I was surprised he threw the sheets over his head when he saw the bolt cutters. Dr. Smith cut one side close to the skin and then yanked on the other side with the vise grips. I could’ve done it with my multi-tool and saved BCBS a ton of money. Daniel is going to have the pin made into part of a chain or something. BIG NEWS and another example of answered prayer. Some lite physical therapy tomorrow and…maybe we get to go OUTSIDE!! It’s going to be an interesting trade-off. Pain and outside, or no pain and boredom. I always knew this, but now it’s official. I’m the best dad in the world. I convinced the doctors that XBOX can be used for therapy Yes, it’s for me not Daniel. All of you have asked what you could do for us and I don’t know what to say. We are still overwhelmed with so much kindness and don’t want to refuse a blessing from any of you. Praying is still what we need the most, but I know that doing makes everyone feel better. Here’s what I’d ask you to do. First-Do something for someone else not us. Cook a dinner for a neighbor or invite them over, pass it forward at lunch, go through your cell phone and call a friend you’ve ignored, take a little time out of your day and spend it with a coworker you normally wouldn’t. Don’t make me spell it out for you. Second-Tell them why you’re doing it. You know someone whose son was injured and is in the hospital. Let them know if you know Daniel directly or indirectly and tell them how you heard about him. Tell them that we are so blessed you were asked to do something for someone, anyone, even them! Third-If the opportunity arises tell them about the faith you’ve seen and heard us share with everyone. Tell them of your faith and why you believe in answered prayer. Let them know of the prayers you’ve prayed for and the results. You don’t have to witness, just share our story and the Holy Spirit will handle the rest. 1 Peter 3:15 “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,” If you’re a reader try “Tyranny of the Urgent”, by Charles E. Hummel. It’s 4 pages long and you can probably find it on the internet.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 22:52:21 +0000

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