The behavior of doctors and lawyers aiding professional downsizing - TopicsExpress


The behavior of doctors and lawyers aiding professional downsizing of retirement funds has been happening for many goods and services... As they do probono services....the medical field aids the investors that we say insurance companies... Who collect the money for the investors be cause they receive and income from the same source....they do service surgeries and cases... For tax rightoffs and they do several a year to aid the investors as they barter and lobby for priviledges.....what is happening to me is crime they are aware of the behavior... Im not the only person this has happen to. Dr. Trocki and dr. Novek are aiding the pilfridge and laundering money... They are not concerned about their patients..they are concerned about the area of the investers that they receive their massive personal gain to please their area of income.... That area of support has become so big getting rid of the paper work that investments are on....and aiding the money laundering with their service and a society that james holmes and adamlanza ... They create a pattern of liquidation... And its the same money being shifted around.... Its a mill of cause and effect... Its a preplanned premeditated process that suppresses justice... That the force is so powerful that aperson has no way to defend the process... Its torture...its intentional to creat people are obligated to the behavior of the crime...stockholme... It recirculates money back into the system... Loans and debts are the binders and contracts to money pul to circulation... And becomes a syphon behavior.. Like a tooobe....the thing is spending more than you income... When you save it changes the behavior of that ...the thing is people dont have anyplace to put it...the banks are stealing... The companies that produce product and are conservation that care about what they produce like franchises and disapline boundries will always have a long term capital management... Who have been around for a very long time... Careing does not mean that these people have to keep aiding the criminal behavior ... Of this process of the investors portfolios...and in return doctors have areas of receiving moneys in kick backs and insurance threshold to charge the area fo the imbalance to their behaviors...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 08:58:39 +0000

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