The best policy option for India and Pakistan: Internal stability - TopicsExpress


The best policy option for India and Pakistan: Internal stability regional peace K. Ashraf Recently Indian and Pakistani border security forces are exchanging gun fires across LOC in Kashmir and international border. India blames Pakistan for starting the across border firing whereas Pakistan blames India. Many casualties have taken place on both sides of the border. Mostly the civilians took the hit on the Pakistani side. The Pakistani security establishment facilitated UN observers investigative tour to assess the situation on the Pakistani side. The Indian security establishment denied any access to UN observers to verify their claims or blames. Experts monitoring India and Pakistan relations are seeking answers to the questions related to this sudden escalation. Why at this time? What are the motives behind this escalation? Who wants to achieve what through such fire exchanges? Pakistanis do not trust newly elected Indian Prime Minister Mr. Modi. He has many incidents to his credit in his past to make Pakistanis suspicious about his intentions. He does not shy from expressing his views on Pakistan. To him Pakistan is an enemy state and thats how it should be dealt with. There are many in Pakistan who consider India an enemy state. They want to have nothing to do with India before she resolves Kashmir issue. Both neighbors have fought several wars over Kashmir territory. They both have armed themselves with nuclear arms in case they come to a MAD point. the scenario does not look good at all. The international community is worried about the present skirmishes between the two countries. UN Secretary general expressed his concerns. US Department of State urged both countries to resolve their issues through dialogue. International communitys concerns aside, Indian and Pakistani establishments need to ask themselves if continuing war like situation is in the interest of both countries. Both nuclear armed neighbors know real well that they both can destroy each other many times over but it is not going to bring ultimate victory to anyone of them. If this is the case, is it in the interest of anyone of them to continue firing on each other across Control Line or International Border. Then what are the most plausible policy options for both countries? We think the best policy option both for India and Pakistan is to work on internal stability and regional peace. This is true Pakistan is facing more internal problems and it has to go a long way to become a stable country, the situation in India is not any better than Pakistan. There is no tome when India is not facing stability issues in or other parts of it. We suggest India and Pakistan should sign an agreement to adopt the policy of taking individual and collective steps to work for internal stability and regional peace. Any such agreement between India and Pakistan on one hand will unfold new horizons of peace, prosperity, progress and development for the people of both countries it will also usher a new era of peace and progress for the people of whole region. Can Indian and Pakistani establishments dare to cross this threshold and create such understanding among themselves? It is a difficult task, but it is doable. Pakistan and India both need internal stability and regional peace. There is no reason why they should not adopt this policy and look towards a brighter future fo their people and for the people of entire region?
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 03:33:18 +0000

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