The bible says that the time will come when God will wipe away - TopicsExpress


The bible says that the time will come when God will wipe away tears from every weeping eye and there shall be no more pain, sickness, sorrow, tears, crying or death. Today, that time has come upon you. If you believe in God, that time will be manifested in your life today. If you have been sorrounded by problems, dont think that is the begining of the end of your life. It means that God is at work in your life. Downfall is meant for everybod but rising up is only meant for those who believe and have faith. Whoever puts a curse on you does so without the consent of God and will face the concequencies. God is transforming your life beyond recognition today. My brothers and sisters, where you failed, is becoming your begining point from today. If you wear prayers from today, God shall become your protector and provider in every way you go. He will provide for you with every desires of your life and he will not let you suffer forever. Problems must always remind you of the pain that Jesus endured. If you realise who you are in Christ, nothing will bother your life again. Today, i speak change in your life. If you read the bible from Genesis to revelation, you will discover that God has never failed. His words always became a living thing. Today, his words are becoming a living thing in your life. Crying and worrying is no longer your portion again. People say that the time lost cannot be regained but the word of God says whatever you lost from your past, regardless of how long ago, can be recovered through Christ. Meaning to say, time is not a limiting factor to God. Do not think you can never do anything because of your age or condition. The word of God will always renew your strength at every age you are and give you everything you want at that time. Remind yourself today that everything is possible at your age. If Abraham had a child at a very old age and David defeated Goliath at his younger age, what about you? Today you must make a name at your age. If you dont make a name, nobody will make a name for you. We read in the bible that Jesus defeated death and he is the most powerful man on earth and in heaven. In his throne, Jesus said to his disciples, go into the world and preach the good news. He gave you power to his disciples to preach the gospel but Jesus said to them, whoever believeth in what you preach about me, they will do greater things, even more than what i did. Meaning to say, you can be greater than Jesus and me if you believe in this message today. Imagin yourself doing greater things than Jesus, me and other servants of God just by believing in his gospel of Jesus. At your age, even though you dont have the power of any kind, whether financial power, political, witchcraft, satanic or any power you can mention, Jesus gave you the authority to command things into your life above every powers of the earth. Today you must know that you are more than anything in this world. Be converted at your age and begin to command things into your life today. I pray that God must help you to understand that authority is much greater than power today. Any power of the earth is under your authority if you understand who you are in the gospel of Jesus. I prophesy healing, prosperity, deliverance and salvation in your life today. You are more than a conquror by the Spirit of God. Rise to exercise your authority and command thing into your life by power of the Holy Ghost fire. Walk out of your pain, sicknesses, worries, problems or anything bothering your life and sing halleluah to God today. You are destined to arrive no matter what comes into your way. Recieve the true meaning of authority and rise to your perfection now and forever in Jesus name. YOUR FAITH MUST ALWAYS WORK WITH YOUR SPIRIT IF YOU WANT THINGS TO CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE. GOD WILL ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE PRAYERS OF THE HUMBLE AND THOSE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEIR PROBLEMS ARE. BEGIN TO PRIOTISE YOUR AUTHORITY TODAY JOHN CHAPTER 14 a must to read
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 06:34:41 +0000

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