The blue sky which appears over our heads during daytime has no - TopicsExpress


The blue sky which appears over our heads during daytime has no material existence. It is nothing more than the result of the scattering of sunlight in the atmosphere, exactly as the small sea waves crash on the rocks of the shore, and later, scatter in all directions. It is scientifically known that in the earths atmosphere most sunrays suffer a scattering effect, which is the result of particles of the air, water, vapor and the small hardened bodies which are carried by different currents of air. It is also known that the scattering of light cannot be complete except for such waves the lengths of which are the shortest possible in the solar beam which is sent out by the sun. The amount of energy which gets scattered becomes inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength scattered, in a way that if two waves the length of the first being 0,6 micron [Note: The micron is a unit for measuring short waves like the ether waves represented by light or X-rays for example. This unit is equal to one part out of ten thousand parts of the known centimeter.] and the second 0,5 micron, the ratio of the scattered energy in the second case as related to the scattered energy of the former case will be approximately: 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 __________ = 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 1296 /6251=2 The blue waves, or the waves of blue color, sent out within the solar beam, are very rich due to the temperature of the radiating surface of the sun, which amounts to 6,000 absolute or slightly less. Moreover, these blue waves are amongst the shortest lengths of all light waves. As soon as they enter the atmosphere of the earth they get scattered all over and cover the space with big amounts of blue color. This makes the sky appear as a blue dome over our heads, despite the fact that this dome has no existence as that of a material body or a hard sky, as some may tend to think. This blue sky is nothing but a light phenomenon as had been already described. Those who are engaged in the nature of space do not require any new proof to get to this fact. But still we can give below some examples to facilitate understanding the problem: 1. The blue sky can change into red or yellow at the scattering of a greater amount of the yellow or red rays of its solar beam. This can happen under the effect of scattering comparatively big- sized particles or drops of water produced in the lower air strata. This is exactly what happens at the time when dust or sand storms blow or when you look at the horizon at sunrise or sunset while non-thick and low uncondensed clouds are scattered around it. 2. The source of light in the atmosphere itself (or the sky) during daytime are the rays scattered in all directions. The most clear proof of this phenomenon is that if you open a window which does not face the sun at all, i.e. looking to the north, there will be no doubt that this window, which does not get sunshine direct, can fill the room with the light of the day. From where did the light come and how did it enter? The answer is simple: light comes through the scattered rays spread everywhere. 3. If we climb up in the higher strata of the atmosphere to come out of the air cover (at a distance of one hundred kilometers from the earths surface) the blue sky will appear below with the stars shining in it in daytime. At the same time, the big space will appear dark, in which stars will be seen shining. The sun will be so prominent and its rays will be piercing exactly like needles. They may have a noise as a result of gigantic storms sweeping its outer space.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:18:07 +0000

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