The business of Self How to choose or change your career? If - TopicsExpress


The business of Self How to choose or change your career? If you were with me in the school hall where we were filling in the university forms for our career options, you could hear names like law, engineering, medicine, teaching and the like being floated around. Some of the students filled in their forms with great confidence while others stared blankly at the form in front of them not knowing what to choose. It was a very critical decision because this forms represented our committing time and money in the next number of years to attain a qualification that would lead to careers we all had been dreaming about. Now years later, having trained as an electrical engineer given a chance to go back to that school hall would I make a different choice? I believe I would choose something different knowing what I know now. Since then I have learnt a few things about how to choose the right career, whether it’s a brand new one or you are changing careers. “You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead, pursue the things you love doing and do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off you.”-Maya Angelou Do something you love Let your career choice be guided by the activities and subjects you find most interesting. Get past ‘what pays the most’ and ‘what is most secure’. You may find it hard to believe that after a while money stops being a motivator and your passion for the job is what will keep you going in the long run. Also in our present economic environment what is secure anymore? Evaluate your skills and strengths Knowing who you are is key to positioning yourself in the right career. Identity what is most important to you in a career. Discovering your personality type, skills and strengths will help you match yourself with career options that will being out the best you if you want to stand out and not blend in. The main personality types mainly found are: a helper, a doer, a creator, a thinker or a persuader. What is your personality type? Research you career options Once you have established your primary interest and passions make a list of the industries you would want to work in and specific companies in those industries that you would be interested. Research these companies online or by visiting them to learn their values, work environment and corporate culture. The values of an organization that you would be interested to work in should match your own because every day you are at the work you will be aligning yourself with those values. The vision and mission of the company should also echo your own, because by working in the organization you will be driving their agenda. If you are not singing the same song and travelling in the same direction, there is no way you can have an enjoyable working experience in any organization. Look at the lifestyle of other people I personally believe that there is nothing new under the sun. Whatever career you settle on, choose three to four individuals who inspire you in that career and follow their career path. We often see the glory of a position or job title but not the sweat, pain and sacrifices that were made by an individual to get where they are. There is a price to pay for everything for nothing comes easy. Are you willing to pay the price they paid? Do not be afraid to quit I have worked for organization where each morning without fail an individual would turn up for work and start mourning of how they hate their jobs, the system and everyone else. We would wonder why not quit! Someone one said, “quitting when you know you are in the wrong career is a natural way to find the right fit”. I believe that no experience is wasted, what you learnt in the old career can be very instrumental in the new one. Using the principles discussed above and wisdom, map out your exit strategy. You may also consider using a career counselor or job coach is you are considering a major career change. Journaling assignment: What do you enjoy doing? what do you excel in? Is your present career in line with your findings? What is most important to you in a career? My challenge to you: Do a networking or informational interview with someone currently working in your chosen career, to give you a real sense of the kind of work you will be doing and find out if the career choice you will be making does indeed meet your expectations. You can follow Petronilla on https://facebook/petronillamm
Posted on: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 14:55:29 +0000

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