The choice to pursue your dreams and sacrifice the tentpole - TopicsExpress


The choice to pursue your dreams and sacrifice the tentpole ideologies of success that our culture has indoctrinated onto us can be a very difficult decision to make. I long ago accepted who I am and what I do. Releasing the worries of what society might label me as. But, it is very hard to watch my friends deal with these same issues. The amount of artists full of passion and light I have seen go dark because the support of significant others, family, friends and society wasnt there is heart breaking. I know on the surface, the time we spend committed to refining and mastering our craft may seem very selfish and closed off. But, deep down we do it so that one day, when we become great, we can share the spoils with all those who stuck with us along the way. Only problem is, to most of society, the path of being an artist is one only lazy, drugged out losers take. How can we expect to inspire future generations of amazing artists when the path to becoming one is looked at so negatively. Would anyone want to become a doctor if you were looked at as a loser until you cured cancer?! So why is it that we are just loser artists until we get a million dollar record deal. Its funny how everyone says money is the root of all evil yet we tell our children to select lifelong careers based solely on the potential of monetary gain. Some of us work just as hard at being the best in our field as any doctor, lawyer, engineer etc. And in my eyes, we offer something just as important and relevant to society. As an artist, not having the support of those you love and respect is the hardest thing in the world to deal with. Nothing can make you question and doubt yourself more than your girlfriend, parents etc., telling you that you have no future and you should give up and get a real job. We may not be able to buy big houses, drive fancy cars, go on extravagant vacations or eat at the best restaurants but we love life, we love people, we try to fill the world with beauty and we have the courage to carry on in the face of adversity. Live the struggle but dont let it become you. Success is whatever you believe it is. Not what the world tells you it is. One Aloha When my skies are bright But my soul is blue Tell me baby... What am I to do...
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:14:24 +0000

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