The class division among whites is wider than ever due to our - TopicsExpress


The class division among whites is wider than ever due to our immigration policy, an area that’s been increasingly disastrous for the lower classes and which is finally making headlines in the mainstream media, not occasionally, but daily – Cook doesn’t mention immigration as a source of class tension; the topic is apparently still a verboten one for contemporary Dems, even the ones that profess to be sympathetic to the working class – The historic party of working people have become the chief importers of scab labor, all for the elite’s personal short-term gain. Being of the company exec/shareholding class, these elites siphon off the outsized corporate profits caused by suppressed labor costs and personally benefit from cheap maids, cooks and nannies all the while pushing the diffuse costs onto the general taxpaying public. While white working people in the hinterland are cleaning their own houses, the coastal Democrat elite are holding feel-good fundraisers and sipping champagne poured by the non-white help. During a 2008 fundraiser in San Francisco, an area well within one of Cook’s “narrow bands,” Obama demeaned his party’s traditional white working class base when he said they “cling to guns or religion” out of a sense of bitterness. But when one’s livelihood is given away, what else are they expected to cling to? There’s one thing Democrats should remember about the heartlanders living between New York and LA. Although they’re some of the nicest people in the world, they have a strong sense of injustice and do not respond well to unfairness. If Emperor Obama and the Democratic elite want to avoid another electoral defeat, they should take Cook’s advice and revisit the Party’s traditional focus on helping, not hindering, its traditional base.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 11:07:03 +0000

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