The clotted cream was only 50p at pot at Aldi yesterday, so I - TopicsExpress


The clotted cream was only 50p at pot at Aldi yesterday, so I bought a one and pushed the breakfast boundaries this morning by having half a pot in my coffee with a tbs of coconut oil. I was soooooo nice and smooth Good job that i strongly believe that the correlation with saturated fat and heart attacks is a myth. lol Im surprised that my stomach took it. 2 years ago, when I started this lifestyle, I would have been very ill but it takes take a long time to re-educate our bodies to a different diet. it is like delivering ipad components to a Samsung Galaxy Factory. Apple and Samsung workers are very competent but may take a bit of time to adjust to the new Thats why a lot of people tell me that they cant digest fat, this is because most of us have been brought up on a high carb foods and thats what our stomachs and digesting enzymes are used too but it comes to a point in our lives that we cant handle the amount of carbs that we used to have. So yes, eating fat may take some time to get used to but you can built it up gently, especially with coconut oil. Small dense LDL (Bad Cholesterol) is 80% made by the liver and not the Cholesterol that you actually eat. So limiting your cholesterol intake and eat so called healthy Carbs (and too many fruits) will not stop your LDL going up. The more your restrain your liver from Cholesterol food the more it will make LDL form carbs. So if you keep your Liver happy by eating saturated, Omega 3, monounsaturated fats and by keeping away from carbs, Fructose, vegetable oils, trans and hydrogenated fats it wont have to work extra hard to make HDL (good cholesterol) but instead will make LDL (bad cholesterol) Does that make sense? That what I strongly believe anyway What you have to worry about is the amount of Triglycerides which is different from Cholesterol, Triglyceride is the amount of fat in your blood that your liver also makes out of glucose and can cause Heart attacks So less glucose = less triglycerides. And what about clogged up arteries and blood vessels you may ask? Well, cholesterol is a symptom and not the cause of inflammations. The reason why Small dense LDL Cholesterol is present it is because it is trying to repair inflammations. it is like blaming the police for a murder just because they are a the scene of a crime. Inflammations are caused by different reasons, like protein constantly binding with glucose in the blood AGE (Advanced Glycation end product) Or it can be caused by high PH levels (acid) that eventually detach phosphate and calcium from our bones and this free calcium ends up in the blood and cause plaques and inflammation. High acid levels are created by wrong food choice, allergies or constant stress. Stress is a hard one to sort out as it is not food related but can cause as much damage and thats the one I personally need to sort out. It take a totally different approach and thats why I try to do Yoga and meditate but finding it very hard to do. ANYWAY Sorry for the long post if you bothered to read it but I have all this knowledge in my head and it need to come out.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 15:49:24 +0000

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