The complexities of social interaction are a mind field to - TopicsExpress


The complexities of social interaction are a mind field to negotiate on a daily basis; when rules are applied (Scripts) on how one should behave in any one given situation this can be a safety net, however this safety net can be quickly replaced by traps when the rules suddenly change; the anxieties; stress that accompanies such change can lead one to consider a hasty retreat; the tears within flow freely with the dam breached by the sudden realization of the inadequacies in social skills; the worry thoughts of what do others think; the stress of how should i behave; what should i do; the over analyzing of what others body language; expressions; mean; did i or did i not say too much; am i trying to hard;; the need to apologize for perceived mistakes in the interactions flow and permeate the mind and heart; the feelings of inadequacies further deepen, then the realization that to be still to stop for one moment and breathe. Why worry about what others think when you already know your interpretations will be flawed simply because of the core believes instilled from an early age and the fact that the ability to read others is already a weakness; that to know that the mind will pickup and hear or see what we already inherently believe to be fact when there are other possibilities for someone else s behavior or comments; remembering that its not all about me; that just because i am in the room does not mean that every atmospheric change picked up on by self is connected to oneself. relax may be a foreign word; but to worry is energy depleting and could be well spent else where; focus rather on the joy of other; the pleasant conversations had; remember if there is a problem some one will tell you; but then remember its not a criticism but someone else opinion; there may indeed be challenges in social interactions when the unwritten rules of interaction change; try to remember to focus on others; listen to what they say take an interest even if ones mind fleets away and the thoughts held in mind are so transient as equally the possible friendship that could or would ensue will be lost. do opposite to emotion dont run away rather take the brave step of facing the fear and doing it anyway; and pat yourself on the back when you successful stay when you want to run; yes mistakes will be made; heartaches may occur; but the possibilities of warmth given by another is the healing power to heal the hurt of many years; thinking it is so does not make it so; be compassionate to oneself as you travel the stormy waters of social interactions;:)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:14:01 +0000

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