"The conservative war on food stamps is the most baffling - TopicsExpress


"The conservative war on food stamps is the most baffling political move of the year. Conservatives have suffered for years from the stereotype that they are heartless Scrooge McDucks more concerned with our money than other people’s lives. Yet in this case, conservatives make the taking of food from the mouths of the genuinely hungry a top priority. What gives? And why are conservatives overlooking a far more egregious abuse of taxpayer dollars in the farm bill? House Republicans are not only locking in high agriculture subsidies, they are throwing more money at agriculture than Democrats want to spend. The Farm Bill is, on the substantive merits, the most unjustifiable program of any significant scale in the federal budget. It is also one that accrues to disproportionately wealthy and overwhelmingly white recipients. (As opposed to Obamacare, whose beneficiaries are disproportionately poor and non-white.) What possible basis can be found to justify preserving subsidies for affluent farmers (some of them US Reps who voted to raise ag subsidies and cut food for the poor) while cutting them for the poor? What explanation offers itself other than the party’s commitment to waging class war?"
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 14:22:02 +0000

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