The creature from the mist part two: its been two months now since - TopicsExpress


The creature from the mist part two: its been two months now since I was stationed in this town to watch the house, and I was told I have to tell these records everything. Right now Im up a tree watching the house, where they found that mutilated body three months ago. Mr.Jansen( the neighbor) is walking his terrier, and Mrs. Finnly and her husband are sitting on their porch. Nothing is gonna happen right now, I think Ill go home and catch a few zs before coming back at nine. 9:37 Pm Ok, Im back in my tree with a cup of coffee in my left hand, and this cassette in my right. Some kids are throwing a house party in the house, and the fog is starting to get thick, God Im cold. I should of brought anoth- what the hell are those? Theres two figures about seven feet tall each, theyre coming from the woods only five yards away, theyre going for the house. I dont know what to do. Those kids are in danger. I have my glock and my military knife, but I dont know what thatll do. Im switching to my camcorder. The camera switches on and two figures can be seen stumbling towards a old fashioned two story house. A voice can be heard talking and its assumed that its the same person as earlier. I should be able to make it there before them if I run, I have to warn those kids. Theres sounds of footsteps and a sharp breaths. Then a loud yell can be heard and the everything goes sideways, the picture settles and the porch can be seen. A hand appears and opens the screen door then the front door. A room comes into focus and teenagers start to yell Who the yell are you? You got beer? Get the f--k out! The voice from earlier sounds again. Calm down kids, some weird freakish things are coming for you all, we need to get out now, it almost got me, but it only got my coat. A tear in a dark blue jacket shows, then settles on the four teenagers, two guys, one with long black hair and a pointy nose, and one with short blond hair and sharp blue eyes, the others in the room was a girl with a pixie cut blond girl and a brunette with long hair both had glazed over eyes as if they were intoxicated. We have to leave now! Said the old voice again. What are you talking about? Asked the blonde boy who was now looking outside through a window. Theres noth- he was cut off by a big meaty hand crashing through the window and grabbing his throat pulling him out. The two girls scream and the black haired boy jumps up trying to save his friend, but all he accomplished was almost getting pulls out himself, at which point he just let go. The girls started sobbing. Quick out the back! The blond girl yelled, they rush through the hall and the brunette girl bursts out the back door, only to come face to face with a mashed up face thatd had scars crisscrossing all over it. She was quickly put in a bear hug by two enormous arms, and sounds of the bones cracking, could be heard. RUN! Shouted the voice from earlier and the two teens run into the woods with the person with the camera. After what seemed like forever a small lake comes in few, the camera swirls around showing nothing but fog around. We need a fire it was the black haired boys voice who said it. Why? Wont that let them see us? Now it was the blonde who spoke. Just make the damn fire, theyll just sneak up on us if we dont have it The camera swirls as leaves, twigs, and branches were gathered for the fire. Then the black haired boy pulled out a lighter and lit the pile. Now kids listen, well wait here till morning, if any of those things show up Ill shoot them with my gun, and you two will run, here, boy, take my knife the old voice said, then a hand appeared handing the black haired boy the knife. Understood the black haired boy said. And as if on cue they heard a snarling noise come from the surrounding woods. Take the camera and run, show the type to others as evidence, please the blonde girl took the camera and the two teens started running the other way, untill they came to a small shack, they flew up the steps and threw open the door. Panting noises were heard, and then a scream was heard, and the camera swirled, until it was facing a shrine of fingers. What the hell? The girl whispered Why its a shrine to show worship to the beauty of fingers. What? How would you know? I know because I built it a course. The girl screamed and threw herself in a corner away from the boy. Tsk tsk, now that isnt very nice, you went and dropped the camera. The camera was picked up, and placed on a table, to where the girl was in its center. Now, its your turn to join my collection. A shadow over comes the girl and the screen goes black. A face comes into focus and it becomes clear its the dark haired boy. I hope you enjoyed the show, because were coming. Me and my mist demons. ------------------ These recordings and video was sent to the news station today and we just aired it for the first time. What this means is yet to be determined- Devilsoup
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0000

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