The daily inspiration for today, May 15 Fully Present - TopicsExpress


The daily inspiration for today, May 15 Fully Present Have you ever had your body show up, but you forgot to bring your awareness? Maybe you were strolling with a loved one in beautiful surroundings, but your mind was on finances. Or, you were sitting in a meeting, and your thoughts were in the Bahamas. Its one thing to get your body somewhere, and its another to be present. Have you ever known the frustration of talking to someone and it was if nobody was home? Try watching a TV show and doing work on your laptop at the same time ... it can be done, but you miss out on the full experience of both. There is so much more joy to the present moment when you are fully present with what you are doing or who you are with. The gifts of God are not available when you are not available to them. The depth of love, the magic of the moment, and the serendipitous occurrences will be missed if your mind is not traveling with your body. Reflection: Recall a time you were physically with a loved one, yet your mind was somewhere else. Was what you were thinking more valuable than what you missed by not being present? Affirmation: I am fully present for those I am with and where I am!
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 16:07:19 +0000

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