The daily parable for Scotland: 28. (of 47) The two - TopicsExpress


The daily parable for Scotland: 28. (of 47) The two cars “Roll up, punters, to the greatest car sale show that Scotland has ever had! Or at least the biggest car show in over three hundred years. We have two prime exhibits for you today and we are letting you decide which motor you’d like to take home with you. First up is this vintage, red, white and blue little number which is being offered for sale by Darling and Associates. I’m afraid that despite having many miles on the clock it has very little to commend it as a practical modern vehicle. Its engine has been known to seize up on many occasions, resulting in breakdowns and lengthy and costly visits to garages. Any repairs effected have at best appeared to be cosmetic, as the whole crate breaks down regularly. The steering is a bit suspect – sometimes it veers to the left, at other times it swerves to the right, and this despite the best ingenuity of the driver. It’s almost as if this vehicle has a will of its own and will take the driver and its occupants to any place but where the motorist wishes to go. Being a vintage model of course means that it has had many, many previous owners. This will explain the ripped upholstery, the mud patches inside the car, and the various dents to the body where the vehicle has not come off best in the various scrapes it has endured with other road users. Knowing that Scots are careful with money, I can honestly tell you that this vehicle is not very economically effective – it is in fact, a guzzler of fuel (usurped from the North Sea) and pays little attention to the effect such consumption has on the environment. It is my guess, ladies and gentlemen of Scotland, that being reasonable people, and considering the pedigree of the company offering you this vehicle, you will refuse to be sold it. For let’s be clear – this is not such as being sold a car that breaks down, unenvironmentally friendly, uses up your hard-earned money by burning your oil and petrol with ease, not going the way you wish to steer it; but rather a pup. And Darling and Associates are doing you a great disservice, I believe the Managing Director went to the Boyce School for Car Salesmen in Peckham, London, in attempting to flog you this piece of worthless junk. Our second model, by contrast is a gleaming, shiny, new blue and white vehicle – top of the range. Offered to you today by the Y.E.S. Scotland garage, I cannot recommend this vehicle too highly to you. It is, I dare suggest, the vehicle of choice for all right thinking Scotsmen and Scotswomen. Despite its colour, it is in fact a ‘green’ car. (Ha ha!). Run on home-produced convertibles, it is far more economic to run and will take you from here to wherever you want to go – no dodgy steering here! Its very newness counts in its favour and is guaranteed to turn the heads of your neighbours. And you want technology? All the latest technology for both safe navigation and car safety as well as and entertainment via USB slots and radio come as standard in this vehicle. I think the options are very clear – as is the decision about which car you will buy, dear ladies and gentlemen of Scotland. Insist on the best vehicle in the show – and you’ll be going places!” _______________ (c) Sion Rees Williams (Welsh Admin) 2012-2014 All rights reserved _______________ https://facebook/Parables.For.The.New.Politics https://facebook/media/set/?set=a.259514867559112.1073741846.137715503072383&type=1
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:23:52 +0000

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