The definition of an American Hero. Over the past 2 years, for - TopicsExpress


The definition of an American Hero. Over the past 2 years, for some reason, a certain group in our government has and is continuing to try and cut military programs. First it was our state (National Guard) education benefits (which effected me). Then it was our Federal education benefits (also effecting me and many other military members). Recently in the news now its two more things. Pensions for retired service members, and overall personnel cuts. The pensions while mainly effecting retired members, over time effects current members that may be preparing to retire. Considering the average rank of retirement being a E-7 or Sergeant First Class, the cut in pensions over a 10 year period could be $40,000-$50,000 and over 20 years $80,000-$100,000. Thats a big change for both retirees and people getting ready to retire. Especially those who have made a career of putting their life on the line. Secondly, the personnel cuts. Since Im a National Guard member Ill speak of that. The personnel cuts over 2 years will reduce the Army National Guard force from 355,000 to 185,000. And that is not just in SC. That is in the entire nation to include the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, and D.C. That leaves an average number of roughly 3,425 soldiers per state/territory. And this is coming from government members who can make up to 450,000 dollars (at least thats what they report on their taxes) a year. I say what I said above to say this... Despite all of that...despite the members of our government trying to make those and a few more cuts (those just being the major ones), we are still here. Despite the many physical and mental risks of being deployed in a combat zone (which i currently am and was well aware of before i signed up or decided to go on this deployment) and just by being in the military in itself, we are still here. Despite the fact that we are away from our families and friends and all of the living privileges that come with it, being in a foreign, third world country that most people couldnt keep their sanity in, we are still here. Despite the fact our military is strictly volunteer based, and if any of us wanted to, we could get out of our contract just as easy as we got into or got talked into it (those of us who were recruited will get that small form of a joke), we are still here. We wake up every morning, put on the uniform, put on the gear, not knowing what the day will have in store and literally live in the combat zone every day, surrounded by a number of radical enemy forces at all times. And despite all of the things listed above, as well as things normal American citizens would look for in a job that we may not have anymore, such as job security, benefits, holidays off, retirement pay, and money, WE ARE STILL HERE!!! This is not a message to our government out of anger, this is not a message for the American citizens who support these changes the government is trying to make or an attack on the American people. This is a message for our military members. The people who Ive mentioned above, our veterans. And especially the people who have been deployed 3, 4, 5 and even more times (and yes, i do know people who have done so). This is a message for yall because when we say I was just doing my job, we literally mean, we were just doing our job. And when people ask why we do it, (because it sure as hell wasnt for the benefits) we say we do it because we love our country, we love its freedom, and we love its way of life and are willing to die to protect it. And we will continue to work, we will continue to fight, and we will continue to live and die by any combination of The Soldiers Creed, The Creed of a Marine, The Sailors Creed, The Airmans Creed, or The Creed of a Coast Guardsman. So on behalf of all members of our military, I say that we are still here, and that is why we are... The definition of an American Hero. I am an American Soldier I am a warrior and a member of a team I serve the people of the United States and live the Army Values. I will always place the mission first. I will never accept defeat. I will never quit. I will never leave a fallen comrade. I am disciplined, physically and mentally tough, trained and proficient in my warrior tasks and drills. I always maintain my arms, my equipment and myself. I am an expert and I am a professional. I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat. I am a guardian of freedom and the American way of life. I am an American Soldier.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 04:05:12 +0000

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