The demolition, in my humble opinion, was one (not very - TopicsExpress


The demolition, in my humble opinion, was one (not very democratic) way Hindus cried out against oppression in their own homeland where they constitute an overwhelming majority. What weve largely forgotten due to 500 years of Islamic invasion, 200 years of British Raj and 50+ years of Nehruvian minority appeasement is that India is Hindu country and it is as sacred to Indian Hindus as is Mecca to Islam and Jerusalem / Vatican to Christianity. Islam came to India in the form of invaders of our land, pillagers of our riches, rapists of our women and murderers of our armies. As if this was not brutal enough, the invading armies built symbols of Islam (mosques) on the desecrated ruins of Hindu shrines to showcase their alleged superiority. One such mosque was built over Ram temple in Ayodhya. That this mosque was used purely as a symbol of Islam trumps Hinduism is proved by the fact that the mosque wasnt even used as a place of worship by the Muslims of Ayodhya and was largely deserted. My personal opinion therefore is that the Hindu demand for demolishing the mosque built over the holy birthplace of Shri Ram is justified, however the means to achieve the same could have been different. One must caveat that by saying, given the appeasement mentality of the congress-nehruvian government, a judicial process would likely have not yielded the desired solution. I am an Indian (Hindu - friends) often confuse my pro-hindutva views as implying islamophobia, which is simply not true. It would be hard for anyone who has read history to deny the brutalitly with which Islam came to India. That said, I have no issues with Islam and Islamic practices in the Middle East, North Africa, etc., where Islam is the dominating religion and where the religion originated. Similarly, Hinduism is deeply entwined with the very concept of India and therefore cultural and historical symbols of Hinduism in India should be protected from foreign ideals and forces.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 02:25:15 +0000

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