The elder council convened atop the peaks of the world, for the - TopicsExpress


The elder council convened atop the peaks of the world, for the need had never been greater. A shadow had crept upon the world, one of great power beyond measure. The council leader settled everyone into their positions and then spoke. "I call on each of you today because a threat has been discovered. A sickness has entered my heart of late. It has been discovered that The Tainted one, the one who must never be named has returned from the abyssal plains." Gasps and murmurs filled the council. After they settled the council leader continued. "Never had we in our worst nightmares prepared for the threat that is now before us. I tell you this, not to cause despair, but so that we would unite into a fellowship of 5 of our greatest warriors. Only then do we have hope, albeit slim." A young warrior called Anti-Mage stood up and burst out arrogantly. "I know of whom you speak, he is Noobus Decimus the Noob Punisher." This time cries and outbursts filled the council and it took long to settle the panicking members. Anti-Mage continued. "I do not fear the tainted one." As he said this a shadow seemed to fall over the council. Another council member piped up "You bring the wrath of the tainted one upon us! You will doom us all!". "SILENCE!" Bellowed the council leader. "Anti-Mage you are a great warrior, but you are young and foolish. The Tainted one is the punisher of noobs and you are a noob. You are no match for him. Against him you will find yourself humbled and then destroyed. It is time gentlemen. Are we in agreement that our 5 strongest warriors be brought into battle to face The Tainted one and his 4 lieutenants?" Murmurs of agreement filled the crowd. "So be it. Together we shall be called the Radiant. For if we fail, the foul stench of Noobus may yet be smelt in every corner of the world. We go now to our probable doom, for Noobus see what the eye cannot. Noobus come." He quailed and returned to his seat, bent and worn from his ordeal. TO BE CONTINUED...
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 08:33:00 +0000

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