The emergence of a new cult!!! Wallaahi, my heart bleeds, - TopicsExpress


The emergence of a new cult!!! Wallaahi, my heart bleeds, really and truly bleeds when I think how we (the salafees) used to be and where some are going!!! Maybe this isnt the case everywhere, but it is definitely something shocking to me that its happening. I remember in the 90s those who were the forefront in giving dawah and refuting the people of kufr and mis-guidance were the salafees. I even remember a group of brothers used to go into the Islam rooms in Yaahoo chat to give dawah, and nobody was afraid to speak the truth because we followed the daleel, the evidences. It was standard, anywhere we went, any valley or cave we went into, we brought with us the Quraan and Sunnah, we resolved things according to the principles of the deen and we werent afraid of opposing views as we always (or at least tried) to follow the evidences, even if it was against ourselves. 10+ years have passed and we have taken leaps and strides BACKWARDS!!! No longer are we returning to evidences, no longer are we venturing forward giving Dawah to the whole of mankind, rather weve become more and more like soofees, rather like a CULT. Now salafees only listen to a select choice of special duaat, some love and hate based upon those people, and if anyone differs from their view they get blocked, they close their ears, they close their eyes and repeat the slogans that theyve been brainwashed to repeat. They are not with the brothers!, They speak against the duaat, I dont care what actually happened, they shaykh said xyz. No longer do we follow the truth even if its against ourselves, no longer do we seek to live by evidences rather than he said she said. And in extreme examples, we find some salafees blindly following the statements and opinions of scholars the same, if not more than Soofee Mureeds to their Pir or Shaykh. It used to be the case where a salafi would say about a shaykhs incorrect view Hafithahullah, but I think the shaykh, with all due respect for him, has erred in this now we say Well, I dont know anything, I just follow what the shaykh has said, regardless The community is being ripped apart, piece by piece due to this evil hizbiyyah that has crept into the ranks of the Salafees. By Allaah, when I say this, I seriously have to question whether this was by accident or by design? I find it hard to believe that such destruction of the pristine dawah came about by mistake. If you ask yourself the question What would a munaafiq actually do in order to destroy islam? and if you were to list them off, you will find a lot, if not all of those characteristics there. There is never an effort to help the muslims except that they shoot it down. There is never community except that they enter it and corrupt it, destroy its cohesion and cause hatred and enmity between all in it. And most obviously, there is extreme hatred for all muslims other than themselves. Often we hear the May Allaah break your back!! or May Allaah burn his tongue. Harsh on the believers and soft on the dis-believers (like praising Obamah and Cameron). When you see the horrors taking place in the muslim lands, muslims literally being slaughtered like lambs on Eed al Adhhaa, and then we look at our situation here, it makes you can we ever think we can help anyone when we cant even help ourselves!!! How can anyone even begin to think that we have the capacity to re-build war torn communities when we destroy our own?! Its at times like this where I see the evils that Mohammad Aqib Hussain tells me about all the time about taqleed. Yes, this isnt the taqleed the scholars teach and speak about, but its is definilty a blameworthy taqleed. I have attached a doc that was reviewed by Shaykh Waseeullah Abbaas that highlights some of the tragic traits many of us have. I ask Allaah to rectify OUR affairs, and to bring us back to salafiyyah, as it truly is.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 13:12:59 +0000

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