The evolution of Grace As time goes and lessons are learnt, my - TopicsExpress


The evolution of Grace As time goes and lessons are learnt, my idea of what Grace, evolves. I used to think that Grace was about keeping silent and calm in the perceived chaos. That since it is all been figured out and it was not intended for me to know something until it was revealed; I was to only go with the flow best I could. But now I am beginning to understand more, of myself, and of Grace. Grace is more than turning the other cheek and offering the other, but me asking first, “do I deserve this slap”. Grace is more than desensitizing to the chemical reaction that follows the terror of painful words but being about to gentle on myself and the other while i filter the pollution. Grace is about not letting anyone talk over my intuition. Grace is being thankful for others that push my boundaries so I know I have them .I used to think that Grace was being able to live in a house that someone else built and be invited to make it a home. That Grace was leaving my meddling mind out of the solutions that no one wants to hear. I used to think that Grace was the seed I planted by actions of reactions but now I see differently. It is I that is the Tree and Grace is the way my flowers sachet on pockets of faith and float like a light to the ground dancing colors all the way.i used to think that grace was speaking only when spoken to but now I grace rests in the silence. Grace is the recognition that I want (and at times am desperate for) another’s approval but I do not need it and it is not theirs to give. Grace is the difference between not being enough and having been fine all along. Grace is saying thank You and then saying goodbye. Grace is not dancing with another along with their music trying not to miss a beat; it is the dance that we dance with ourselves and to smile as we trip over our own feet. Grace is not only about forgiving others, it is the ongoing and evolving forgiveness of myself.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 16:01:27 +0000

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