The first devotional from this series thst asks How do we measure - TopicsExpress


The first devotional from this series thst asks How do we measure ourselves? 11.3.14 - The soil made the difference Daily Scripture Matthew 13:3-9 3 He said many things to them in parables: A farmer went out to scatter seed. 4 As he was scattering seed, some fell on the path, and birds came and ate it. 5 Other seed fell on rocky ground where the soil was shallow. They sprouted immediately because the soil wasnt deep. 6 But when the sun came up, it scorched the plants, and they dried up because they had no roots. 7 Other seed fell among thorny plants. The thorny plants grew and choked them. 8 Other seed fell on good soil and bore fruit, in one case a yield of one hundred to one, in another case a yield of sixty to one, and in another case a yield of thirty to one. 9 Everyone who has ears should pay attention. Read other translations at Biblegateway oryouversion. Reflection Questions: Farming, like fishing, was a common occupation in Galilee. (Matthew said Jesus sat in a fishing boat by the shore to tell this story—cf. Matthew 13:2). At least one farmer was likely in plain view sowing seed by hand as Jesus told his story. Even today, some seed grows, some doesnt. That was even truer in hand-tilled fields, with the seed thrown out by hand. It was the same seed--the soil made the difference. What person or persons played the biggest role in planting the seed of Gods message in your life? Is there anything you wish they had done differently in the planting process, as you look back? What are the main ways that your gifts, talents and temperament equip you to sow the seed into other lives? Jesus was a master at taking the ordinary activities of everyday people—fishermen, farmers, even parents and children—and using them to teach big ideas about his kingdom, his grace and forgiveness. How easy or hard do you find it to share Gods message without using church talk that may not seem to have much to do with real life? How can Jesus model help you learn to connect God with peoples day-to-day concerns? Todays Prayer: Lord Jesus, you said, A farmer went out to scatter seed. Your story never hinted that the farmer got depressed and quit. Help me to keep my sack of seeds at hand, always ready to scatter the story of your love into the lives of others. Amen. Our GPS Insights blog shares reflections each day from our pastors, staff and congregants. Read todays reflection from Rev. Chris Hollidayonline. Rev. Chris serves as the associate minister at The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection West.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 13:58:11 +0000

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