The first people a Tyranny targets are those that believe in true - TopicsExpress


The first people a Tyranny targets are those that believe in true freedom like alternative media, independent artists and writers that are deemed too controversial for telling things how they are and not how the power structure wants us to believe they are but what we have is a fabricated artificially created freedom by the power structure for us to abide by and think its freedom. Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Maoist China and many other tyrannies either suppressed or murdered those deemed dangerous to the State for telling the truth. The Wests ingenuity and wealth was used financially to create these tyrannies around the world but now the very ones that financed all this tyranny using our money are now trying to bring it here in the west albeit slowly at first so people wont notice but then it will start to pick up speed where people do notice and want to then do something about it. Vivian Kubrick the daughter of the iconic film maker Stanley Kubrick speaks to Alex Jones and expresses what her fathers films were trying to tell us in each film what society is really structured like and who are the real power and how truly evil they are and that we are heading into a tyranny that suppresses not only free speech but want control of every aspect of our lives and will only allow people to speak and do what the power structure want you to say and do and they call that freedom?. When you lie down and allow yourself to be run over and taken for a ride by those in power and just accept what happens to you and society and told to accept it you will be branded and treated normally because you dont rock the boat(its anything but normal); but if you stand up for your God given rights and freedoms when they are challenged and being taken away and challenge the system apparently then you are labelled a lunatic. That is the upside down world we live in now.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:29:37 +0000

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