The first type of vision we will study is called a “spiritual - TopicsExpress


The first type of vision we will study is called a “spiritual vision.” A spiritual vision occurs when an individual is moved upon by the Holy Spirit to see something with the eyes of their spirit and not with their physical eyes. During a spiritual vision your mind is not displaced. Your physical senses are not suspended in any way. You know who you are. You know where you are. You are simply seeing things within your spirit, on the inside of you. This is so much more than just human imagination and you will know when you are experiencing a spiritual vision. Spiritual visions can be very simple or they can be very dramatic. How simple or dramatic they are has nothing to do with how important they are. If faces, places, events, ideas, etc., keep “popping up in your spirit,” you will want to ask the Holy Spirit to help you to not miss what He is revealing. Jesus saw Nathaniel under a fig tree with His spiritual eyes. He saw this within Himself. Nathaniel was amazed at Jesus’ spiritual keenness and gave glory to God. (John 1:47-49) It was not uncommon at all for Jesus to see things on the inside of Himself before they actually occurred outwardly. Jesus said that He would see Himself healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching, teaching, prophesying and ministering to individuals in His spirit before He went out to actually do so. He would then simply imitate outwardly what He had seen inwardly during His prayer time and miracles would happen. (John 5:19,20) Jesus said, “I only do what I see My Father do.” What He was saying was, “I only do what I see the Father doing through Me as I am praying.” He would see Himself performing specific miracles, through spiritual visions, but He knew it was the Father doing it through Him, so He gave the Father all the glory. I want to make this clear. Jesus would inwardly see Himself perform a certain miracle for a person ahead of time. When He encountered that person, He would simply act out what He previously saw Himself do in spiritual vision form. The supernatural would occur and He would give glory to God because He knew it was really the Father doing it through Him. This is why He said, “I only do what I SEE (in vision form) My Father do.” Pretty cool. In the same way, the Holy Spirit wants to show you things before they occur so you can walk them out, minister in the miraculous and experience the supernatural. (John 14:12; 16:13) Do not miss out on what the Holy Spirit wants to do through you just because it comes in the form of a simple, non-dramatic, inward spiritual vision. A Personal Example One day when I was first Born Again, my dump truck refused to start. It was a dry, sunny Autumn day in New England. I said, “Father, what’s wrong with that truck?” Immediately, on the inside of my spirit, I saw a picture. Now this was on the inside, not the outside. It was almost the way one would use their imagination, but it was more than simple human imagination. It was a spiritual vision coming out of my inner spirit man. I saw the coil on my dump truck. I could actually see right through it. There was a bead of water inside of it which was hindering the proper flow of electricity. I went back outside and stuck the rolled up tip of a paper towel into the coil. It became saturated, wicking the water up into it. I jumped inside the truck, turned the key and the engine fired up immediately. I was a baby Christian and that completely “blew my mind.” You can believe that I shouted praises. My dump truck mattered to God because my dump truck mattered to me and I matter to God. Supernaturally through an inward spiritual vision God showed me what was wrong with my truck. Keep in mind if people, places, things or events continue to be brought before you from the inside, you will want to pay very close attention. You may be experiencing spiritual visions as God is attempting to direct you according to His plans and purposes for you. Remember, the Revelation Gifts frequently operate through spiritual visions within.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 18:11:13 +0000

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