The following are the latest on the ASUU Strike bearing FG/ASUU - TopicsExpress


The following are the latest on the ASUU Strike bearing FG/ASUU meeting tomorrow: Students plan nationwide protests against ASUU Strike- Guardian Plans may be underway by some Nigerian students to organise from Tuesday, a mass protest aimed at highlighting the woes bedeviling public education in the country. Organised by the Joint Action Front(JAF), the protesting students in the South-West zone may block all roads leading to Lagos State tomorrow. According to JAF,the protests, which will kick off at the Nigeria Labour Congress(NLC) office at Yaba, Lagos at 8a.m, will also include zonal rallies in Kano, Ibadan, Owerri, Calabar, Abuja, among others. According to JAF, the aim is to draw attention to the bleak future that awaits Nigerian children due to the neglect of public education, “while children of top politicians and government officials are trained in private schools in Nigeria and abroad with funds looted from public coffers.” ASUU had, on July 2, declared an indefinite strike over unresolved issues contained in the 2009 FG/ASUU Agreement “after exhausting all available avenues,” when Federal Govt breached a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) they both signed in January 2011. One of the contentious issues was the non-payment of Earned Allowances. But the Executive Secretary of the National Universities Commission (NUC), Prof. Julius Okojie, swiftly criticised ASUU’s action, describing it as unfortunate and capable of destroying the university system. Okojie told The Guardian: “They (universities teachers) get their salaries. On the issue of allowances, why can’t they persevere? The government did not say it would not pay. What we said was that not all lecturers are entitled to earned allowances. The figure they (ASUU) came up with was huge and we said there was a need for harmonisation, because not all of them were entitled to it. We needed to determine which lecturer deserves to get the Earn Allowance.” However, a meeting organised by the Federal Ministry of Education to resolve the issue ended in a deadlock. A senior government official was quoted as saying that it was impossible for Federal Govt to implement the MOU. The union has also vowed not to suspend the strike until its demands are met. In another post in OSUN DEFENDER news; ASUU Strike: Open Letter To President Goodluck Jonathan Dear Sir, REASONS MR PRESIDENT SHOULD ENSURE THE QUICK BACK TO CLASS OF OUR YOUTHS THAT ARE PRESENTLY DISENGAGED DUE TO THE ON GOING ASUU STRIKE ACTION With due respect to your Excellency, I have the mandate to write on behalf of all stake holders in the educational sector on the need to take a driver seat come Tuesday meeting with ASUU, address the negotiation table like a noble man and indeed negotiate like a gentle man. Sir, it should be recalled from memory that: The current strike embarked on by ASUU, marks 5weeks 4days, and all effort embarked on by your Excellency to set a pace for a lasting resolution with ASUU proved abortive. Mr. president, it is high time we told you that the concern youth whenever education is mentioned are supposed Nigeria future, it is hereby worthy to mention that for this administration to be recorded on the positive side of posterity, the need to guarantee the future of these youths most be ensured. Dear Sir, as the popular saying goes; “an idle hand is the devil’s workshop” for this reason it should be noted that 95% our youths that are presently disengaged from classroom activities because of the present ongoing strike action of ASUU are jobless and therefore spend their days as idle youths. In the interest of the peaceful and crime free society sir, in the interest of Nigerian future, we plea that your administration should take immediate measure at ensuring the quick re-engagement of this youths as to avert the illuming danger their continuous stay out of class can cause. We still so much count of you sir, and fixedly we hold onto your riches of kindness and passion for education, forthwith your Excellency should drag to reminder his past status as a lecturer, many beauties God has decorated his life with within this short period and also his beautiful promises while canvassing for the post of presidency and revisit them. Finally sir, we know how much love you have for your dear country, and I’m on the side that your Excellency will invest all he can to set the ball rolling in the academic sector, for this reasons sir, I humbly apply that come Tuesday 13th August, 2013, your Excellency should intensify more effort, brake the gene for incessant strike action in the educational sector, hear the stakeholder out once and for all and bring back to class our idle youths. MUCH THANKS IN ANTICIPATION SIR. By Abombola Adeniyi Oluwafemi The strike is still on.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 19:27:47 +0000

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