The following is a public service announcement! Whether ye be - TopicsExpress


The following is a public service announcement! Whether ye be Writers or ye be Pirates, read on! Yarrg! Ahoy, me mateys! Heres hopin yer ready for some plundering! There be a bit of NaNoWriMo housekeeping to attend to first: November be approaching quickly! November brings on NaNo! Thar be pirates in the regional seas and ye all be encouraged to take up arms and man the ships! Thar be no time like the present to wager yer bets and declare yer allegiance. Whos it gonna be, Mateys? Capn Destiny will be setting sail and if ye choose to board her ship, yer declarin yer allegiance to her. Yer word count is yer ammunition and fills yer sails. By the end of the month, ye might be the victor, sinking or commandeering my vessel…. Or pledge yer allegiance to me and join me as we set sights on Capn Destiny and the ship NaNarma. Well be setting sail and making quick work of our voyage by shooting for high word count to ensure swift winds. Whether you be indentured to me or ye be hired crew, I promise ye a Winner! badge fer yer spoils to add to yer Facebook profile if ye swear yer allegiance to me, Capn Erin. Bring yerself to the INFORMATIONAL MEETING at the IF Library, Room 1. It be Tuesday, October 21st, 2014. 6:30 PM. Bring yer pieces of eight fer some fun games, a Pirate costume contest, and a great get to know you! Ill be bribing now: 1. Those in a Captains favor will be heavily rewarded for their participation. Heres what need be: A. We be needing pep talks done. As the Capn of half of ye, I dont take pantsing lightly on the needs of yer ship. As such, I be soliciting help. Erin Olds, what week might ye be writing for? It seems I remember you wanted to write fer the second week? Rachael- Might ye have words for encouraging a high word count? And pushing through as life whammies you amidst yer writing? As I recollect, ye be the highest word count last year after myself. Brian- Yer voluntold, as a free man borne into the Pirate life, to write me an encouraging note to fellow NaNoers since I know ye be a long time participant. Amber Gardner & Kate Robertson Seeing how yer the former Capn and fearless leader of these waters, might you be up to writing a quick note (I know Amber already volunteered) for those who may be thinking of jumping ship? Please reply with a week. Daniel Noyes- might ye be up to writing a note to those writing a new genre this year, since you took that on last year? Much appreciation if ye abide. Tricia Baum, I be thinking, yer the one to ask to write a message encouraging those that cant get to meetings, as is Krystol, Jonathon and Nicole. Capm Destiny and myself be writing words as well. I be taking 4th week, Wednesday. Put yer week and Sunday or Wednesday few the day youll be takin. Any persons signing up fer a letter gets dibs on a Pirate ship and and an assignment. B. We be needing fundraiser spoils. Whether ye be buying raffle tickets to attempt winning some booty, coming out to our Scavenger Hunt the first Saturday on November, donating to the prizes, or just drooling over something we might be holding up fer auction, we thank ye and ifn you per chance donate, youll be able to pick yer Capn and your assignment. Ifn ye be busy fer the meetin, we hope yer free fer Halloween. Make way fer yer writin bfore midnight and welcome in NaNoWriMo with yer shipmates. Come midnight, me hearties, we write, write, write our way into the depths of a good story. With a warm welcome, I say, Come Aboard! Grab yer proverbial pens and paper and pour yer hearts into yer craft. The waters, they be calm, and yer Capn hears the sonnets of those beauties of the seas, calling to all her fellow wordsmiths. Welcome to NaNo 2014! Welcome to Pirates! Questions needs be directed to Capn Destiny or meself. And keep close in yer heart, Amber Gardner, Voodoo Magic and Medicine Woman, Seer of All. Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! The meeting will be for informational purposes. It will include an overview of NaNoWriMo and We will introduce the Young Writers Program and encourage parents and guardians to bring along any youth interested in writing their word count is set according to their own goals). We will discuss fundraising opportunities and our regional writing group. We welcome any help and or resources you may be able to contribute (maybe you are a teacher, or have kids in school and might be able to distribute flyers to bring more awareness of NaNo). Fun to Come: Idaho Falls Scavenger Hunt, Night of Writing Dangerously, two meetings a week of write-ins around town, Nightly Pillaging in the Ports of Google Plus HangOuts. And, to celebrate in the end, we be meeting at the Hurds home to rally forces and bring about a gunfight to beat all. Let the best ship win and we add our Word Counts together in an ultimate game of Capture the Flag! I wont be surrendering me colors, so here I say, Capn Destiny, prepare to be boarded, plundered and sold off to a slave ship! Josh might be needing more moderators for Google chats. If ye are not familiar with thee Hangouts, he be the mate to talk to, or, again, come on out to the meeting and get the information he has fer ye. Ifn somethin slipped me mind, holler at me below in the comments. I reckon I can fix it or find someone to fix it. Again, I say, WELCOME! For more information, join our group, Idaho Falls Nano Group, or visit
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 12:37:33 +0000

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