The following message was sent to me privately a few moments ago, - TopicsExpress


The following message was sent to me privately a few moments ago, in response to my last post. Although I would never reveal the persons name, Im sure there are many others who think just like this. Their mentality just further confirms my decision: FROM ANONYMOUS: Mack, Donate? Seriously?!? Your fans and supporters make you relevant and provide an avenue for your success. This post is hostile even a little and insulting. I share your posts because large followings help authors sell themselves to publishing houses and to businesses that want to invest in them and help get the word out about their books - those things that make them money. My charity of choice is my daughters college tuition and my continued active service to our wonderful country throughout tours to Afghanistan and local community service are ways that I give back. I also will donate my time as a Family Nurse Practitioner to battered women and homeless shelters beginning in January. We do things to help others because that is what we are supposed to do as productive members of society, without asking for any reward or signs of appreciation. The reward you get is the blessing of knowing you are doing what God has called you to do. I realize that people dont always agree with your posts and Im sure its frustrating to have to deal with that, however by putting yourself out there open for rebuttal what they actually are doing is making you better. Highlighting any flaws in thought or ideas, showing you different sides of the same coin. Your supporters do donate to you, just maybe not how you would prefer. They challenge you to reach and grow. If that isnt enough and you dont do it for the love of helping others and because its your calling, maybe you should consider that a donation as well. A donation to your knowledge that this isnt fulfilling you as it should and maybe you should take a deep breath and re-evaluate what Gods plan is for you. Have a fantastic Wednesday! Be blessed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACKS RESPONSE: So I guess you go to work for FREE then, instead of a paycheck? You enter into relationships for free too, I guess, without any anticipation of any type of reciprocity? To correct you on a few things: 1. FB didnt make me relevant in any way. It has actually done more to drain my time, energy and finances and take time away from my family. 2. The scriptures plainly say not to muzzle the ox who treads out the corn, and the laborer is worthy of his hire. Funny how you wouldnt walk into a the Michael Kors store at the mall and expect to receive a free handbag, because you posted one of their items online and were helping to make them relevant. 3. People have literally starved to death pursuing a calling, while those they were called to help lived well by refusing to support the one called to them. Hence why Jesus said on judgment day there would be many who saw Him hungry but didnt feed Him. And because of this selfishness they would be barred entrance into His kingdom. Your response is EXACTLY why I feel the way I do. And please note: I never said I was stopping what I do. I simply said I wasnt wasting ANY MORE time on those who dont appreciate it. And in case you need a definition of what appreciation entails: Youre in a relationship with a guy, feeling under-appreciated. You tell him. He responds: If youre not content with loving me just because you should, maybe Im not the right guy for you then. Would you accept that and let that fly? For those whove truly supported me in word AND deed: you are truly appreciated. I know who every single one of you are, so you know this message isnt for you. Its those FREE-LOADING USERS AND TAKERS Im talking about here! The ones always looking for something for nothing. Folks like that never get far in life or relationships because they have a stingy, selfish me-first mentality, which opposes the principles of Gods kingdom. Their empty lives prove my point. * 1st John 3:17 * 1st Tim 5:18 * Luke 6:38 * Prov 11:25-26
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:24:27 +0000

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