The following question was raised to our Skaykh Muhammed Ibn - TopicsExpress


The following question was raised to our Skaykh Muhammed Ibn Saaleh al-‘Uthaimeen (Rahimuhullaah): “What is the ruling concerning the anasheeds? Is it permissible for the Caller to Allah to listen to Islamic anasheed?” The Shaykh responded, “In the past, I listened in the past to these Islamic anasheed and there was nothing therein which shuns away. After listening to them recently, I found them to be rhythmic with delectation and entertaining, like the songs accompanied with musical instruments. Accordingly, I don’t see that it is permissible for people to listen to them. However, if they come natural without musical accompaniment and without delectation or entertainment, then there is no harm in listening to them. Still, however, it is conditional that: (i) (ii) the person does not make this a habit listening to them all the time, and make not that which benefits and admonishes the heart restricted to them. Because if he makes of this a habit, he will abandon that which is more important. Moreover, in doing so he will relinquish the greatest admonition and it is that which came in the Book of Allah and in the Sunnah of Allahs Messenger. But if he listens to them sometimes, or if takes them as a means of help on his journey while driving his care in the wilderness, then there is no harm in that. 6 Then he was asked, “Is it permissible for the man to chant the Islamic anasheed and is it permissible that the duff, which is the tambourine without any of these bells attached to it, is it permissible to use the duff with the chanting and is the chanting or the anasheed permissible in other than the Eed and other than the festivals?” The answer: “Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, In the Name of Allah The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful”, then he returned the greeting to the person who asked the Question, and said: “The Islamic anasheed is an innovated chanting innovated by the Sufis. Therefore, one should turn away from it and resort to the admonitions from the Qur‘aan and Sunnah, unless it is used in the battlefields to help as a motivation for Jihaad in the 6See As-Sahwah Al-Islamiyyah Dhawaabit wa Tawjeehaat, a collection of fatwa and statements by our Sh. Ibn Uthaimeen compiled by Abu Anas, Ali Ibn Hasan Abu Lawz (1414/1993), p. 123, no. 40 cause of Allah, the Most High, then this is good, however, if it accompanied with the duff, then it would be far away from the truth.” 7. Moreover, on several occasions, he (rahimahullaah) directed the people to give the best of attention to the Quraan and Sunnah, since they are the greatest admonitions. A special warning concerning the infamous Burdah poem of Al-Busiri: It is plain shirk because it exaggerates the Prophet () giving him attributes of divinity, as if he knows the unseen and what is written in the preserved tablet. So much of this, unfortunately, is spread throughout the Muslim world and particularly in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia. Think about it. Moreover, they have musical groups in these countries only specialized to sing these poems, especially the Burdah. In some recent forms, it is recited by Khalid Belrhouzi featuring Yusuf Islam (yes!) This is an ad on the net carrying the title: Burdah (audio tape) Khalid Belrhouzi and Yusuf Islam (Arabic + English) 8 It is stated in this poem, among other things, that ‘And of your knowledge is the knowledge of the pen and the preserved tablet’! The pen” refers to the pen which Allah commanded it saying: Write! It said, What should I write, my Rabb (Lord)? Allah said: Write the record of all preordained matter until the commencement of the Hour. 9 According to this poet, the Prophet () knows what the pen already wrote and what is written in the preserved tablet. We seek refuge in Allah from these fabrications. I ask Allah to guide us all to the truth and to make us accept and yield to it. The slave of Allah, Saleh As-Saleh. Concluded on the 14th of Thul Hijjah 1425, Corresponding to January 24, 2005. Acknowledgment: May Allah reward sis Umm Maahir al-Amreekiyyah for voluntarily transcribing this material which was originally a response to a question about anasheed in the room Understanding Islam. 7Fatwa al-Aqeedah, no. 369m p. 651, Maktabatu As-Sunnah, 8Source: This is for verification only, and not an endorsement of the site. Rather, I caution not to posses this poem, due to the warnings cited above. May Allah guide them both to the truth and save all Muslims from all forms of mysticism and innovations. Aameen. 9Saheeh Al-Bukhari, V.4, P.9, Hadeeth 13
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 22:21:16 +0000

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