The forces of deception are getting stronger every day. The - TopicsExpress


The forces of deception are getting stronger every day. The stronger it gets, the more obvious it gets that something is wrong with this society. Thus, it takes more denial every day to live with your eyes closed in this world. This is why more and more people are starting to wake up. People cannot keep living in denial much longer. Deep down most people know that we cannot go on like this and survive. The problem is the mind wants to try to stay in control. A good example is how we keep burning oil. That is the easy and fast way. The mind always take the easy and fast way. It would be possible to stop using oil as energy (so we can keep it as construction material and all its other applications). It would be possible to use hemp for many things. But the mind doesnt want change. It doesnt want to take the hard way, even if it is the best. It wants to go with what it knows, it is afraid of newness. It wants to say in the comfort zone... it is no longer possible, it would mean death. This is another reason why people are starting to wake up: we are facing exctinction. The mind is afraid of death, more than anything → it cannot longer stay in denial, because it becomes obvious that death is waiting at the corner if we do not change. We can no longer go the fast and easy way. We can no longer do things half way, without thinking of the consequences of our actions. It is not only on the collective level, but on the individual level that we go too fast in our every moves. We do not put our whole being into what we are doing, because the mind creates worries and all kinds of BS that get in the way and distract us. The best two examples I have in mind are eating and walking. We eat and walk way too fast, we do not take our time to appreciate what we are doing. This is also a good example of practical value of walking on the path of truth. You may not realize it yet, because the changes happen slowly, but you will get much more out of everything you do as your mind opens itself. Keep going anyway, it always gets better. You can easily see the disadvantages of taking the fast and easy way in society. The things we currently build are not meant to last long. The quality of products is going down. The quality of work is going down. This includes hospitals too. It is scary. I do not look forward to put my life into some distracted peoples hands. People do not pay attention to what they are doing. They think about something else instead of putting their whole attention into their work. There is nothing wrong in thinking itself, but there is a time for everything. For instance should not think about your personal life while at work, and vice-versa. Its all about timing. If you are stuck at work, you cannot solve your personal problems anyway. Why do you keep worrying about it? It only makes it harder for you to do a good job, and then you get in trouble at work too. This is stupid, but pretty much everyone is doing it. We are so close to the problem (the mind) that it is hard to see it. This is why it is easier to see it outside yourself first. Just remember that what is outside is just a reflection of what is inside. With that knowledge, the mind can be exposed. As it is exposed, it loses power over yourself. In other words, you gain self control. You do not really control anything, except the way you respond to what life throws at you. You will get your amount of bad things, things that are hard to swollow. Being in control is to not freak out, to not react badly, to stay calm and centered... whatever is happening to you. Its easier said than done, but knowing how it works is the first step.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 23:08:53 +0000

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