The fourteen years since devolution have emphasized just how - TopicsExpress


The fourteen years since devolution have emphasized just how limited what Holyrood can, and cannot do. Donald Dewar said it was worth it Scotland and England together on equal terms was his boast. How can there ever be equality between the two?. At Westminster it’s impossible to have equality within A Parliament of 650 Mps when Scotland can only contribute a total of 59 MPs, this regardless whether we Send all Labour or all Tory or all SNP, the result is, and will always be the same. We are a voice in the wilderness of Westminsters overwhelming majority. Our vote / voice is ignored as they know we can always be beaten in any, and in fact all votes, no matter how it affects the lives of the people of Scotland. Like welfare, defence and the economy are all disregarded in favour of Englands needs which come first. We moan about the state of our roads, even the state of many of our major routes, IE Perth to Inverness or Aberdeen to Inverness, Edinburgh to Newcastle M1 Ayr to Stranraer, for the Ferry to Ireland, these are just a small sample of the roads Scotland has had to accept over the years, while equal with England. Where you can drive throughout over 85% of roads on either motorway or dual carriageway conditions. Where has the equality of spending on these areas been shown. This is simply one area where we will always be left behind. Please believe me there are many other ways Westminster’s majority will make sure, Scotland will get the scraps, while England gets the Lions share. We hear PM Cameron and many of his better together brigade tell us we know Scotland can go it alone BUT, we are better together. They never produce proof of this. Just a promise of more powers later, After we vote NO , They will not say what extra powers they will give us before the referendum vote Further, it fails to show the rising inequality by Westminster’s economic mismanagement, by successive UK Governments. Simply proves my earlier assertion, there can never be fairness between a dominant Nation and a much smaller nation, when the smaller nation has been subservient to the larger nation for a great many years. However as can happens, when great discoveries are made by any country to their benefit, particularly to the Smaller nation, in a way that excludes their more dominant partner.The larger partner insists on a larger part of the ensueing benefits. Even though the benefits by International Law , are the rights of the smaller nation. This came to my attention,which I have shared, and put on my Timeline, “Gerry we are sending Educational pack out and rightly so. We must install a fear of separation from Childhood upwards if we want to maintain our Union.” “NO to SCOTTISH independence. We must resist giving Scots any more powers, and once the referendum NO vote is inwe can start to strip them of the powers they were so wrongly given.” NOW it becomes clear why they wont tell us what extra powers they are going to give us. THEY have already made up their minds to strip powers we have away from us, This is to stop Scotland getting all the free, something for nothing “ as they call it “ and as MS Lamont has said all these freebies must stop. Here are a few the Tory Labour coalition want to stop. Bus Passes Free prescriptions, unfreezing council tax. plus agreeing with the Tories on Slashing Benefits + Bedroom Tax, Pensions, Universal credit, AND just announced cutting Free School meals for families who earn £135 per week. Stopping free Univercity Tuition. My question is simply this, HOW CAN LABOUR SUPPORTERS POSSIBLY VOTE FOR THESE ATTACKS ON THE POOREST AND MOST VULNERABLE PEOPLE IN OUR SOCIETY I AM SURE EVEN THE TRADE UNIONS WILL BE THINKING LONG AND HARD ON THESE MEASURES. as they are all things Labour and the unions stood for, Standing up for The working class, protecting those most in need, now more than ever as soup kitchens and more and more food banks are becoming the main food supplier to thousands of families in coalition Scotland. Not since rationing during the last war has Scotland had to put up with this kind of treatment. If the truth be told if it were not for our “Scotland and England together on equal terms” (as quoted by Donald Deward on devolution.) Scotland would be a very wealthy country. Our food and drink Industry is seeing rising exports the recent turnover was £12 Billion, our reputation in life sciences recent annnual turnover = £2- 9 Billion while our Creative Industries are being recognized world wide Turned over £4-8 Billion OUR oil and gas industry Is seeing record investment and 2011 made £26-Billion to our GDP and boosted the UK balance of payments by £40 Billion. Our manufactoring sector Exported £14-7 Billion in 2011. These are some of the examples ( We are better together ) . BUT more importantly why WE are NOT. All the free, something for nothing “ as they call it “ and as MS Lamont has said all these freebies must stop. Here are a few the Tory Labour coalition want to stop. Bus Passes Free prescriptions, unfreezing council tax. plus agreeing with the Tories on Slashing Benefits + Bedroom Tax, Pensions, Universal credit, AND just announced cutting Free School meals for families who earn £135 per week. Stopping free Univercity Tuition,and more. These figures show how much Scotland can earn by keeping it all instead of Westminster taking the lions share in Taxes, The £40 Billion boost we gave the UK would and should be ours, it is much more than we get for our block grant to run the whole of Scotland. These are a few examples why they cry ( We are better together ) The same examples prove emphatically that We are Better apart. We are there as a cash cow constantly Milked by Westminster to fill the Chancellors Coffers. We, Scotland sit back and take whatever Westminster deems to give us. And live in vain hope that next year we will be given more. Instead year after year we are given less. Westminster squanders our wealth. We now have the best opportunity ever to reverse that trend 700 Years after Bannockburn, We can change it. In 2014 vote YES .
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 00:33:17 +0000

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