The fraud is that the corporation doing business as the United - TopicsExpress


The fraud is that the corporation doing business as the United States of America (Inc.) — a governmental services company owned and operated by the Federal Reserve — “redefined” us as foreign situs trusts owned and operated under our own Names. They grossly abused the rights of usufruct to do this and created “States” and Americans on paper that they then “Pledged” as sureties backing the debts of the already bankrupt United States of America, Inc. The further fraud is that FDR then signed over both the debts and the assets of the United States of America, Inc. to the IMF, which glutted itself on the lucrative service contracts via yet another governmental services corporation doing business as the UNITED STATES (INC.) The World Bank, IBRD (International Bank of Reconstruction and Development), and Federal Reserve were ALL creditors in the bankruptcy of the United States of America, Inc., but the primary creditors were the hapless American people and their organic states. Although the 1934 Bankruptcy Act recognizes THEM as the Priority Creditors, the IMF never bothered to inform them or operate in an honest or appropriate fashion with regard to their material interests. Instead, the IMF dba the UNITED STATES, INC. and the Bankruptcy Trustee chosen by the World Bank, IBRD, and Federal Reserve — the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico — siezed upon all the assets supposedly represented by the foreign situs trusts that the FDR “administration” created and rolled them over into Roman Inferior Trusts — Cestui Qui Vie Trusts, Karen. You are a lawyer. You should be familiar with what those are? Trusts formed when a person “disappears” for a prolonged period of time and their estate is seized and probated and distributed to heirs assigned by the court? These Roman Inferior Trusts were all operated under our NAMES — e.g. JOHN QUINCY PUBLIC, and they were all “removed” to Puerto Rico for “safe keeping” by the Bankruptcy Trustee —thereby bringing American State assets and the private property assets of American State Citizens under Puerto Rican jurisdiction. All these years the IMF, an agency of the UNITED NATIONS, and its spin off governmental services corporation dba UNITED STATES, INC. has been plundering the assets of The United States Trust (1789) and a good portion of that gold that you are so generously and eagerly handing out to everyone belongs to us as well as the Chinese who are already wolfing down the Strawberries and French Toast. You can either investigate this for yourself — or you can tell your friends at the IBRD and the IMF that it isn’t going to wash because you already know the facts and are acting as a teflon sugar coat for them. But you had better stop and reconsider if you think that I am stupid, dumbed down, uninformed, or making specious comments. https://facebook/pages/Operation-Feed-The-Homeless-Dec-17th/677715635678583
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 19:28:41 +0000

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