The gap has closed to 50 to 43 according to The New York Times and - TopicsExpress


The gap has closed to 50 to 43 according to The New York Times and CBS News reporting on the NJ Senate race. The bigger news - Bell is leading among independent voters by eight points. Closing the gap to seven points comes just four weeks after Rasmussen showed Booker had only improved his margin since last year by a single point - with the Republican down by 13 points. Bookers so called celebrity does not translate into votes in a state like New Jersey where people want their leaders strong and their elected officials competent. Bell comes in swinging with a one-two punch of clear vision and the gravitas that comes with decades of solid experience. Its a powerful combination that could keep Booker on the ropes throughout the campaign. But thats not enough. Competence and voter trends dont impress the press as much as a steady inflow of cash. Were in a position to have a lot of influential people take a serious look at this race - and they will still not get involved unless they see a groundswell of support at the grassroots level. This is support thats measured in dollars. Not millions, not thousands... not even hundreds of dollars. Just $10, $20 or $50 really adds up. And the quantity of donors is just as important as the aggregate donations. If you havent alreay visited Jeffs website to make a donation - please help his momentum by making one today. nytimes/2014/07/28/upshot/republicans-senate-chances-rise-slightly-to-60-percent-.html?rref=upshot&_r=0
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 18:18:04 +0000

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