The gathering of the harvest begins at the Gate of Inspiration - TopicsExpress


The gathering of the harvest begins at the Gate of Inspiration Sept 2 when the Wishing Moon appears in the morning sky. This is a time to breathe deeply (inspire) and dance freely to free the soul. Then we realize and invoke just what is needed to fulfill this life. The Harvest Moon cycle begins Sept 5 with the spiritual new year Rosh Hashanah. The magic seeds of the new cycle are sown, the shofar is blown, when the lunar crescent appears Friday evening Sept 6. In the old tradition, a fire is lit on the hill when the crescent appears; then comes the sounding of the horn. The New Moon is the Prima Materia, first matter or mother, the "lead" from which is formed alchemical gold. The phases of Alchemy are the phases of the Moon; alchemical transformation occurs between New Moon and Full. People the world over see a Rabbit in the Moon. The Chinese Moon Hare stands on the Moon "pounding the elixir of immortality." This means pounding sap from herbs and rhythmic movement as in ritual dance or drumming. The magic of the Moon Hare grows as the Moon grows; emotions rise and primal energy increases with the waxing Moon. Alchemical transformation takes place between the Sept 5 New Moon and the Sept 19-20 Moon Hare Full Moon. Ching or primal energy is conserved in this time by breathing vital energy up. At the Moon Hare Full Moon ching is converted into chi and gathered as the Elixir of Immortality. Rhythmic movement and breath are used to convert ching to chi. This way primal lead is transformed into the gold of love and divine union occurs within. This inner Alchemy will then be realized in the outer world. Ascending the lunar wave is like surfing, each lunar cycle brings good tidings that become greater if we maintain our balance and stay on the board. Maat, the Egyptian Goddess of Justice, stands on the western horizon now holding in her left hand a scale that balances a heart with a feather. Maat is an empath who can feel what makes the heart heavy. In her right hand she holds a magical instrument with which she eliminates what makes the heart heavy so it becomes as light as the Feather of Truth
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 09:08:43 +0000

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