The general zombie masses, despair, drove me to Guy McPherson - TopicsExpress


The general zombie masses, despair, drove me to Guy McPherson again. He’s a climate scientist whose undeniable conclusions are that we simply are going to wipe out all life on earth within a few decades. There are people who say that there have been doomsayers before, who were wrong, the catastrophes either never came or weren’t so bad. There are people who claim global warming either doesn’t exist or isn’t man made. These things have to be considered too. But if you listen to the evidence presented, the list which grows every year of one after another catastrophic self reinforcing climate destroying feedback mechanisms... of which there are over 20 or 30 now and ten more at least are added each year as the damage is done by those already triggered. But just considering say the C02 and methane being released by humans into the atmosphere, the way the poles are melting so underground stores of methane are suddenly being released everywhere as their frosty cover melts. As these deposits of methane are released they make it hotter, melt it further and release more methane and on and on it goes. Or the acidification of our oceans killing off the life in our oceans which makes oxygen and enables us to breathe. Or the fact that whilst humans can withstand a rise in temperature physically, we can create shade and cool off, the plants we need to eat to live cannot and will die out. These are like the first few most obvious of a hundred other issues which are urgently required to be dealt with and consider this... nobody... is doing ANYTHING about ANY of it. All those in control are headed straight in the direction they always have, greed, profit, economic expansion... won’t hear a word about anything else. They’re too busy putting the systems of power in place to control the starving population after we run out of oil....and killing anyone in the way of any oil that is left. If you listen to Michael Ruppert’s work in ‘‘Collapse’’. There is no more oil and life as we know it, every gadget we own and the electricity which runs them all our systems supporting life on earth require electricity. He runs through the alternative energy sources available and notes there is not enough time or resources to create enough wind farms or solar panels to create a tiny amount of the energy the world uses. If anyone were even trying to create them. If you spend time looking at and considering all this its obvious we’re doomed. Not considering it is like having terminal cancer and just pretending you don’t till you die. Now you might think... so what... I’d still campaign for animals. As i have been doing. I will, in some way always campaign for animals. I will always speak out wherever I go, probably till the very end, till the lights go out will keep a blog and circulate it on other non vegan pages to reach the few honest good souls out there... if there are any left by now... who just didn’t know. But I keep thinking of this questionnaire I want to do in the street about the animals. What questions can I ask which will connect people to their hearts and make them care. When I imagine approaching people and asking them to answer four questions about compassion... to first think of someone they love so they actually are in their hearts. Then to ask them on a scale of 1-5 how bad they feel about certain images I ask them to consider, the tortured animals, the starving people, the dying earth. Even if I ask this I realize, most people have heard the vegan message and all this before and will never go vegan because basically..... they’re selfish, heartless... they don’t care. End of. How can a few questions change a lifetime of serving self and willful ignorance? What I’m trying to say, to myself and anyone facing this same thing... Do you really want to spend the time you have left talking to selfish people who just will NEVER ‘get it’ and whose evil response just makes you mad? The animals will be liberated from them soon anyway. I don’t know what this life on earth has been about but those who chose selfishness and cruelty will not get away with it. I don’t know what comes after this life but I know that evil souls will be heading some place they deserve or reincarnating into a position they deserve... I cannot stop them in their evil tracks, or change them, but I can trust there’s a higher power that will deal with them on some level of their selfish existence. So what can I do...what do I really want to do... with the time I have left? What do you want to do... will you do... with the time you have left? For me its writing. But even if I write something who am i writing to because all life on earth is going to be extinct forever anyway. Knowing there is nobody to write to and no reason to write... still wanting to write... maybe its just for me. I dont know, but I know that right now I need to let this reality of the immanent end sink in, allow that to clarify what is most important what inside me I really want to do with the time left. So in the time we do have left ... if you knew that is all the time you have left... what do you want to do with that time? https://youtube/watch?v=A6SwCZayVP8&list=UU350upOrP2mDrBzGb_d2xBg
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:53:06 +0000

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