The grace of the Almighty, something today I truly was not slowing - TopicsExpress


The grace of the Almighty, something today I truly was not slowing down for. Today is the seventh day since D has returned to Afghan to work. I know how my emotions roll by now at this point of his return. It hits me like a ton of bricks that he is back in the sandbox and I am sitting in the silence. Sitting still, barely able to put one foot in front of the other. It hits me that I have to face a lot of realities and decisions on my own. It hits me I cannot just pick up the phone and call or text and his voice will be there, it hits me his dirty clothes or smells are not in the air, it hits me I dont smell coffee brewing and hear the shower going. You would think by now, I had this, and for the most part I do. But the adjustment is a process, a process today I have tried to fight, one today I thought I could brush off and whistle my way thru. I know I adjust and have to move forward, pull up my big girl britches and face the day...pray a lot, and face the day... Today, from the time I woke this morning, till a hours after, the lyrics of 10,000 Reasons have been continually playing in my mind....The sun comes up its a new day dawning. Its time to sing Your song again, what ever may pass and what ever lies before me...let me be singing when the evening comes. Just those lyrics, not the Bless the Lord O my soul part. By the hundredth plus time I am feeling quite annoyed with those lyrics in the back of my mind. Telling God, I have to move forward, I have things to do. It is then when I sit and pray and ask God to let those words...let me be singing when the evening come, really come true today. He knows my thoughts, how my day will unfold. So, I look up and tell Him go for it, make those words come true. I should know better, little did I know that moments later He would do what I ask...Wow, just wow! I picked up my One Thousand Gifts devotional and read words today that were meant for me today at this moment. If you are still reading this, please keep reading. I want to share Ann Voskamps thougts...they opened my eyes and maybe, they will give you the Grace you need to get thru a moment or two, or three or more today... Ann writes...It is strange how the mind works. The mind would rather fret about the future or pine over the the mind can cling to its own illusion of control. But the current moment? It cannot be controlled. And what a mind cant control, it tends to discount. Brush past...over. Its the battle plan of the enemy of the soul--to keep us blind to this current moment, the one we cant control, to keep us blind to Him, the One who controls everything. There is that: What if instead of discounting the current moment, the uncontrollable, the simply given--what if I counted it--and on--the God who controls it all? What if all our running around is only our trying to run away from God--the great I AM, the present in the present moment. What if I woke to now and refuse to hurry because I didnt want to refuse God? What if I didnt discount this moment, but counted it for what it is--God here? It is only the present moment alone that holds the possibility of coming into the presence of God. Look around, breath deep, enter in this this one moment... NOW could be an ALTER...THIS TIME could be a TABERNACLE. In God, there is no time, only eternity--or more simply, only now. His name is I AM...Here... wherever my feet where I can love Him. So, as my (Lisas) day continues, I smile, breath so deeply and add the rest of the lyrics...Bless the Lord O my soul, O my soul, worship His holy name...sing like never before, O my soul I will worship Your Holy name!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:15:15 +0000

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