The greatest thief of all He has stolen not gold but the kingdom - TopicsExpress


The greatest thief of all He has stolen not gold but the kingdom of God at the last seconds of his life. This is the background message of the Gospel today. Jesus said to the repentant thief, today you will be with me in paradise. How is it possible for the thief to open the vault of heaven? He uses a master key which is the mercy of God. While the other thief ridiculed Jesus he confessed his sin as he said, we are worthy to be punished because of our sins but this man is just. This man believes that Jesus is king as he said, remember me when are in your kingdom. In one way or another we are robbers. We may not rob millions but we rob the dignity of others by talking ill to others to prove that we are better than them. We are robbers when we fail to acknowledge God for all the success we have in our life. We are robbers when we fail to extend his mercy to others. God has forgiven all our sins. Why we are still holding grudge for all who sinned against us. We cant accept injustice? Jesus the is the most just man ever lived but he ended up crucified. After all the teaching of Christ about peace, reconciliation and love, after he healed all our sickness, he is giving us his last teaching and the most important of all which endurance in our suffering. Cross is scandal for the proud one and foolishness for non believers but it is wisdom for those who are saved Have a blessed Sunday to all!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 10:46:44 +0000

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