The gut must go! I have never been good at sticking to an exercise - TopicsExpress


The gut must go! I have never been good at sticking to an exercise or diet routine, mainly because Ive never dieted and exercise is torture to me. So heres what Im going to do, Im making a few rules for myself and if you see me breaking them I give you permission to kindly remind me. I promise I wont hold a grudge...for long. Rule 1. I will only drink soft drinks while I am eating. Too many times I grab a drink because Im bored or just wanting to wet my whistle. Rule 2. At work there is an elevator, I take it all the time. I will start taking the stairs if I have nothing heavy to carry to the next floor. Rule 3. I tend to eat even after I am no longer hungry. I will stop eating when I am full, unless the food is heaven in my mouth, then just one more taste. Rule 4. Chocolate... I will hate this rule and all those who remind me of it. I love chocolate and I eat some form of it almost every day. I will now only eat chocolate if it is after a good meal. No more random fudge bars or Reeses cups while watching tv. Rule 5. If I am not hungry, I will not order food if I am at a restaurant will others. Just a tea for me. I will try these rules until my birthday, or birthday celebration, whichever comes first. Starting now!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 18:00:28 +0000

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