The harassing continues with some of the Quran ALONE MEMBERS here - TopicsExpress


The harassing continues with some of the Quran ALONE MEMBERS here is one conversation that went on in my inbox between me and a Quran alone member name Nadeem Muhammad. 20 hours ago Nadeem Muhammad: You have been unbanned Feel free to defend yourself. The floor is yours. Me: I dont want to join back after Saeed banned me yet he allowed you and others to back bite me as long as he did. This only shows what type of character you and other so called Muslims truly have. Especially you who came there and started the damn post to begin with. What type of Muslim are you? Doesnt the Quran tell you not to do this? Yet, you went ahead against my permission to start a thread after I said I did not want to engage. This only exposes who and what you all truly have in your hearts and its not Islam. From this point on since there has been several threads about me This is going to be an on going thing between me and you all Relentless Remember you all brought this to me Nadeem Muhammad: I made it clear in my damn post that it was NOT an attempt to backbite or slander had you read the special ending line in my post. How can you say backbite when I made a post addressed to you and you are all free to speak out and explain yourself? You keep saying backbite and slander but you are unable to prove the same to show where I actually ascribed lies to you. You brought your own fall.. it is all due to you. Nothing was said behind your back as you were allowed to pop in anytime to settle anything. I would like to assure you that it is nothing personal. You have been a good friend and brother to me. Had you been sincere enough and address the same question in your own group instead of constantly threatening and not answering while changing topics... the topic would have remain in your group. I made it clear, I engaged you on another group because I was looking for a neutral ground so that I can engage with you what you were always bypassing in your group. A group where I do not have to live under the constant thread of being kicked or banned. Me: When I said I didnt want to engage you any longer you were suppose to respect my decision. You went to another group and back bited Simple Nadeem Muhammad... again, how can you say it is backbiting... Me: You had said neutral ground on your friends psgr Nadeem Muhammad.... i just move out from your house, went on the street, and call you out to settle the matter Me: page Nadeem Muhammad it was never done behind your back Me: I didnt stop you from posting in my group Nadeem Muhammad.... i tagged u in the very first post. Me: You came to the other group because I didnt want to discuss Nadeem Muhammmad you did not stop me, this is very true, i do not deny this. But then, did took my arguments seriously? Or everytime, you will drag all the other topics in? common bro, we are grown up. I am here to make peace with you. Me: After I came to the group I told you I didnt want to discuss You proceeded anyway Nadeem Muhammad.. nopes.. the thread left hanging, other people commented in it. Me: With the rest of the back biters You continued this is back biting Nadeem Muhammad... but there is no valid reason why you would not discuss my topics unless the topics threaten you and is not comfortable to the concept you are bringing in. I assure you, i was never personal... It was yet another attempt to click the mind of a brother. Me: I came back to the group to discuss threatened please I answered your question just for you to ask me more questions without you answering mines them I get banned twice QURAN ALONE MUSLIMS are back biters and cowards Nadeem Muhammad.... bro... the answer you brought is not valid and you know that Me: If you say you believe for Torah to be true and not corrupt by Faith Then if I say the same as you, you cannot reject my statement can you? I think you are now able to feel how I felt in your group when my questions were not been answered even through i almost harassed you repeating the same question on and on in an attempt to get an answer Me: I Nah now you know how it feels to question the QURAN and as I have said the QURAN says to refer to the Torah not the opposite so until you able to provide evidence you have no leg to stand on Nadeem Muhammad: Again I have nothing against you. I am not your enemy. I am not promoting any kind of animosity towards you. I am just debunking the concept you are trying to push forward and exposing the flaws in the line of thought. Perhaps it will be of help to you. As you can see, had I willed, I could have not the very exact advice you gave to Julie, that is, wipe all the admins and the group. I was an admin in your group for a long time. However, not doing it was a DECISION i made because it would have been dishonest and unjust. For truth, I know there are also very good information we have shared since the creation of the group. Me: It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them. Deuteronomy 32:35 For we know him who said, It is mine to avenge; I will repay, and again, Yahuwah will judge his people.Hebrews 10:30 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 2 Peter 2:3 Yahuwah is a Elohim who avenges. O Elohim who avenges, shine forth. Psalm 94:1 Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says Yahuwah. Jeremiah 8:12 But Yahuwah is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten. Jeremiah 20:11 Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says Yahuwah. Jeremiah 8:12 But Yahuwah is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten. Jeremiah 20:11 I see you in your TRUE LIGHT and COLOR enjoy your back biting at the end we will see. Nadeem Muhammad: good enough khidr... i see you are still want to keep playing the martyr I neve denied at any time that the LORD was the witness all the time He actually knows everything and my true intentions It is funny how you can still call this backbiting while the floor was open to you at all times, you were even tagged and invited to clear things up. It was all done in complete transparency. Nothing was done behind your back. Backbiting is actually occuring in your group since I am banned and so much is being said on me there behind my back. Thats true backbiting since I got no opportunity to defend myself. Unlike you who has been treated with all fairness, and has not been threatened to be silenced or anything like that Me: Nadeem did I not say I didnt want to engage yes o rno Yes you said you did not but actually, you had no avenue except to deal with it. Or you always wanted it like.. you put on the questions, and we answer... and this, all the time... we got no right for neither asking you questions, nor expecting answers from you. So did not I asked you the same questions xth times in your group? Did I get an answer back then? NO But eventually, you managed to somehow bring give us an answer when you were placed against the wall.. so to say... Had you treated us justly and fairly in your group, be fair in your quest... and show more sincerity in your research... everything would have been confined to your group as it has always been. Did you tell us the Torah has errors in your group? Did you admitted same? Did you address my question about the Torah in your group? No you did not. The only reason.. you dont WANT to... So, should we as a group... go according to what you WANT? Is this fair according to you? Me: Again, you AGREED that I did not want to engage any further and you said I had not choice who the hell do you think you talking to Once I said I didnt want to engage any further you had no right to back bite me simple and plain. Nadeem Muhammad: Yes but actually, from my point of view, you are just running away from the arguments working against you Me: Again who the hell are you Nadeem Muhammad: I am just another guy... Me: I told you once if you want to treat people with respect you give them respect If I said dont bother me Nadeem Muhammad: I treated you with all respect... no bad words no nothg Me: respect my wishes dont give me that crap You a a hypocrite back biter Nadeem Muhammad: how when I put questions on you, am I bothering you? When you place leading questions on us... it is all OK? Me: I told you we already engaged numerous times countless then you RAN to another group Nadeem Muhammad: Again, are we as a group to dance to your tunes? Me: to bring them on Men dont do that bs babies and boys do Nadeem Muhammad: I actually showed what you meant by we have already discussed Me: So as I have said you are STILL talking so I have no respect for you or any of your back biters Nadeem Muhammad: You played the martyr and crying. Not me Me: Again, Nadeem Muhammad: I neither asked for help or anything Me: my last words Im not going to give you my time I have some people who tells me what you back biters are saying Nadeem Muhammad: i just looked for a place to express and engage you without any threats from you as simple as that Me: Im not even going to entertain you all in my groupIll just expose what you are all saying about me which is BACK FIRING Nadeem Muhammad: you are all exposed now khidr Me: more people want in in my grop group and they are ADDING ME so keep on slandering and back biting me Nadeem Muhammad: stop boasting about my group your group his group Me: and see Yahuwah bring you all to judgment I have nothing more to say back biter keep on back biting Nadeem Muhammad: i told you, these numbers mean nothing... moreover, the poll itself is a proof of what I have said Me: JEALOUs Nadeem Muhammad: of what? Me: JEALOUSY and BACK BITING will get you no where Nadeem Muhammad: thats a joke khidr Me: stop messaging me Nadeem Muhammad: why should i be jealous Me: I dont want nothing to do with back biters Stop messaging me leave me be Nadeem Muhammad: our group has 20k members. why should we be jealous Me: not your group Nadeem Muhammad: people will keep talking about your ideology and not about you Me: lol same boring topics one book you dont understand Nadeem Muhammad: again khidr, you escape the questions... you earned what you sowed Me: again Nadeem last words leave me alone leave me alone move on Nadeem Muhammad: now stop crying like a baby and call all others babies Me: Ill post this in my group as well to let others see how now your HARASSING ME After I said leave me alone then Ill block you Nadeem Muhammad: no problem, i can post it as well. Me: Yes please do leave me alone Nadeem Muhammad: people can see how you responded when I said I am here to make peace leave me alone Salam Now from the ABOVE comments exchanges between Nadeem and myself he claimed he was coming to make PEACE yet he continued to bother me and claim things that was already talked about in this group, on his friends page and in the other group hes back biting me in. This is what Im talking about HARASSMENT when I told him in the other group that I didnt want to engage because we have already engaged in many discussions already in which he never answers my questions but always issues out more questions I decided to stop talking to him so our conversation wouldnt turn ugly. He continued and insisted on being forceful then he made the thread about me and my group. Again, as we can read in the inbox after I said leave me alone he insisted on with his foolishness. This is the Nadeem many do not know about. These people who are Quran alone are very disrespectful, and paranoid when you question their belief, when you question the Quran they will FORM ALLIANCES against you if you have a open mind and begin to go against their belief. Be very careful of not falling into any cults, groups that dont want you to have an open mind and those who are very forceful and that will back bite you if you dont agree or if you question their foundation of belief. https://facebook/nadeem.muhammad.12
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:33:29 +0000

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