The headlines will read Hamas rejects ceasefire yet another - TopicsExpress


The headlines will read Hamas rejects ceasefire yet another example of bias media reporting. Before we make our value judgments from our positions of comfort, let us ask these questions; How many children and civilians have been murdered during times of ceasefire? How many more have been kidnapped and imprisoned during times of ceasefire? How many palestinian homes have been taken & bulldozed to the ground in times of ceasefire? How much more land has been illegally ceased from them in times of ceasefire? How many graves destroyed, how much water polluted, how much food been stopped & starvation created all in times of ceasefire? Let us all try & understand the reasoning behind resistance rather then coming to our over simplified conclusions that are based on a bias media with its own agenda..Rather then judging others to be insane for their actions why do not address what drives them to that insanity in the first place? While we can never understand their pain we can seek to increase our own understanding. To resist truly is to exist...
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 09:57:03 +0000

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