The human soul is carefully crafted to pursue, perceive, enjoy and - TopicsExpress


The human soul is carefully crafted to pursue, perceive, enjoy and create beauty. Where there is no hunger for or expression of beauty, the soul is wounded and if left untended, eventually gives itself over to the celebration of ugliness. At first, it is not that this wounded soul CANNOT see true beauty, but WILL NOT see true beauty because it has preferred its own broken, skewed version of beauty. The ugliness then worshiped is not seen as anything less than perfect, delicious beauty; all ability to discern true beauty becomes corrupted and the slave of counterfeit beauty. *Defeat by the forces of darkness is inevitable for those who refuse to direct their hearts gaze upon the beauty of God.* *Victory over every enemy is the inevitable outcome of gazing unceasingly upon the beauty of God.* We carry one or the other at all times; our eyes are either FILLED with beauty or FILLED with ugliness but it is not us who ultimately decides what is beautiful and what is ugly. That decision belongs to the Source of true beauty and the Conqueror of everything that is not true. The eyes of the soul which have learned to gaze long upon True Beauty have lost the ability to comfortably look upon anything less. One might even rightly say that a righteous offense rises up and is not appeased until the offending ugliness has been joyfully remedied. Theres much more than this, though. The willing mind and burning eyes of the hungry heart are overtaken continuously, captured again and again, not at all like one who has tried to escape but as one who follows gladly after his Captor. For these, there is no greater joy, no higher pleasure than to be lost in His beauty and the all consuming passion of their existence is to become so lost in Him that it becomes entirely, wonderfully impossible to find a way out. Should you find yourself face to face with one of these Beauty addicted souls, you will find it impossible to ignore their eyes. Their glad eyes will be seen in your mind long after their words have faded from memory. And its not even their eyes, really; its the Light in their eyes that will haunt you, call to you, remind you and invite you to join them in their hungry gaze upon True Beauty. Eyes which have become lost in the beauty of King Jesus cannot help but express His beauty. There is no effort given to revealing His beauty. It becomes impossible NOT to manifest His beauty. One may as well attempt to block the light of the sun by throwing a handkerchief over it, as to hide the glory resting upon those who wander unceasingly happy in the unspeakable Beauty~ He forgives your sins—every one. He heals your diseases—every one. He redeems you from hell—saves your life! He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown. He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal. He renews your youth—youre always young in his presence. ~Psalm 103:3-5 (MSG)
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 23:06:13 +0000

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