The incidence of Peshawar, the killings of innocent students, is - TopicsExpress


The incidence of Peshawar, the killings of innocent students, is going to have many types of fallouts; one grave danger is the rise of ethnic animosity. The attackers were most probably Pashtuns; these people are not satisfied with the treatment they are getting from Pakistan government and specially Pak armies action in South and North Waziristan. On the other hand Pak army and other ethnicities of Pakistan especially Punjabi and Sind-is look upon Pashtuns with suspicion. I can give a list of grievances from both sides but this is not the staple of this writing. Let me get to the main point: Taliban’s which were once exclusively Pashtuns are now made up of Punjabis, Baloch and Sind-is as well. Kashmiris are exclusively fighting for freedom of their mother land and are out of so called Taliban’s groups. But the attackers at the school were Pashtuns or from adjacent areas. The Pak army and the PM have decided to take the war to Pashtuns in the first place. Here winning a war becomes a biased issue as huge number of Pashtuns are as angry as Punjabis, Sind-is, and Baloch. But the blame brunt is being focused at Pashtuns. It is one of those very unfortunate situations where nothing is absolutely right and nothing is absolutely wrong. Having said the above, the question arises what right alternatives are available. And here the trickiness starts: The Taliban’s must be pacified, no matter what risks have to be betrothed. This in turn will antagonize some more Pashtuns. So how should the PM and Pak army handle this campaign. One thing that can be done is to invest heavily in building Pashtun infra-structure for the Pashtun commerce and health part. Any positive change here is bound to pacify the foolish ideologists harping about Pashtuns being treated unfairly. What my message is build the civil side and destroy the Taliban’s. We do not want another unfair insurgency type Bangla-Desh at our hands. It is also imperative to ask USA with 100% seriousness to stop Drone attacks. Musharaf allowed the USA drone attacks and they have done unlimited and very pronounced harm, ramifications of which are felt throughout Pakistan. The Drone attacks are effectively causing divisions in Pak land and USA has no right to continue. We should ask USA if they are our friends or enemies and/or do they have a hidden agenda to forward the interest of USA. The Americans have the audacity to openly utter the words “American Interest” which conveys allowance to the USA government to ignore all other countries national values, all moral values and all ethics. The belief in so called “American Interests” is more heavy duty responsibility than the belief in Christianity in USA. There is no other manner to accentuate this. While considering “American Interests” nothing is holier than “American Interests”. It is time for Pakistan to ask the Americans to stop drone attacks. Such attacks kill indiscriminately and the price we as Pakistanis have paid by getting more than 60,000 Pakistani civilians and soldiers killed. This is not fair but then America, when ever it chooses gets deliberately and ruthlessly unfair.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 09:13:52 +0000

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