The irony is such that it often brings me to the brink of - TopicsExpress


The irony is such that it often brings me to the brink of laughter, however, the consequences are far too serious and damaging to be humorous. I am alluding to how the wealthy and powerful in this nation have convinced, not without great deception, a largely white, undereducated, "middle" to "lower-middle" class and even a large number of lower to underclass citizens that conservative economics, the destruction of government and anything that it does positively for the common good, deregulation of market forces (powers that they do not participate in to any significant degree), the cutting out of government all manner of consumer and environmental protection agencies, the acceptance of a tax code that benefits the wealthiest and overburdens the middle and lower income groups (the very demographic to which they belong), the destruction of a just and affordable healthcare system (which would benefit them), the destruction of organized labor, a just minimum wage, abolishment of Social Security Insurance and Medicare, fear and even hate for people of color or anyone who appears as "other" than they are, (and I could go on) is a good thing for the country and for them. They have been convinced that it is right and just to destroy the very ideal they claim to be upholding. Some have found their way to the halls of congress where they, by their very actions, I should say their very in-action, create a kind of dysfunctional and unproductive government such that it fulfills their own narrative that government does not work and should be done away with. This right wing, so called conservative, though it conserves nothing that is of true value in the growing national tradition, is giving over all its energy to destroy the very realities that built this nation and in so doing they have committed themselves to a self-destructive narrative cutting the ground of justice, peace, and well-being right out from under themselves, under the delusion that they are furthering their own welfare. They idealize a mythical time that never was and believe that regress to that truly more volatile past would in fact be progress, when nothing could be further from the truth. They decry science while at the same time taking advantage of leading edge technologies it produces to organize and spread their message of anger and doom. These are an angry people who enlist a "god" that is as much a distortion of authentic deity as their politics is a distortion of and dismantling of an authentic democracy. They are puppets in the machine following the false prophets of doom who offer an intellectual diet of Cotton candy while the wiser of us dine on a balanced diet of nutritious reality, rationality, logic, spirituality, wisdom, morality and justice.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 16:24:00 +0000

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