The issue mainly lies with the incompetence of The Division of - TopicsExpress


The issue mainly lies with the incompetence of The Division of Developmental Disabilities(DDD). Tyler was returned home from NJ from a comprehensive behavioral Health Autism program in PA. He was part of a money saving idea the state of NJ had to reduce the care costs of the DDD population. He has mental illness on top of the Autism. He always has had that. When DDD brought him back to NJ 1.5 years ago (March of 2013) they placed him in a non behavioral health home (ARC) . They were supposed to provide intensive psychiatric supports, and never, ever did. He has mental illness....and wasnt getting any, zilch, zero, behavioral health services/programs/counseling..... The ARC was not able to handle him, and due to their own hands off caring policy, they had to call 911 every time he had behavior they could not manage. It went from occasional 911 calls to daily, even 2x a day. The ARC called DDD daily to inform, and asked that Tyler be sent to a different (behavior program) in March 2014 and again in July 2014. DDD ignored their requests and my pleas for help in getting him in an appropriate residential program, with the right mental health supports! 3 weeks before the arrest, I had Hinkle Fingles attorney draft law suit to force DDD to send out Tylers referral to other agencies. They sent it to 1 agency. The day he was arrested and the ARC formerly evicted him, DDD sent the mass referral out (called an eblast).......It took the arrest and him put in jail to motivate the fine folks at the states DDD office! This ordeal has been out of control for the past 1.5 years. You can not expcet someone with severe mental health issues, autism, and intellectual disabilities to do better with out Mental Health supports when they are coming from an inpatient residential behavioral health program that they lived in for 7 years.... He regressed so severely since the ARC took over care! But, in their defense...they are NOT a behavioral health program, and more severe cases are way out of their realm. DDD should have listened to the 2 requests the ARC formerlly made, and the 1000 requests I made to replace him in a program that can handle his behavior......But our requests for service....fell on deaf ears, and were completely ignored. .Rewind>>>>3-4 weeks....we opened a law suit with DDD to get him replaced in a behavior home.... He had been in a non behavior agency (ARC) for 1.5 years, and they couldnt manage him. The ARC told DDD in 3/2014, and again in 7/2014, that they couldnt handle him and DDD needed to move him. DDD never, ever so much as ...made a referral....(not until the day he was arrested)....He was promised a psych day program when he moved back.....They never were able to even get him that. He is dually diagnosed, and was not getting any services....the blame for this falls SOLELY on DDD and their lack of services or concern for a client that they are responsible for caring for.....He is considered incapacitated (certified by 2 doctors) . In the certification, it states that he does not have the capacity to understand any court preceedings. The mental health certification was done in 2010 it also states that his mental condition is irreversible, and will be a life long issue ....We addressed this ....WAY BEFORE this incident.....wayyyy before.....I am not exactly sure what the justification is for him being in jail. The judge himself actually wanted to ROR Tyler....but DDD did not show up for the arraignment, they still have not called me, the parent (I called them the day it happened and left them a message).The court made mention of Respite services for Tyler at the Hunterdon Developmental Center instead of jail, but DDD wont hear of it, not at all. Governor Christi has a stop order on all persons going in to the expensive facilities.....Since there is no where for Tyler to go.....Their answer is.....jail....Jail is the autism services that the state of NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities is going to provide for my son......I find this.....SHAMEFUL!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:03:16 +0000

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