The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given - TopicsExpress


The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you. - Luke 8:10 TODAY IN THE WORD Bush’s Baked Beans is the top-selling brand of baked beans in the United States. The family-owned company gained fame throughout the 1990s with commercials featuring Jay Bush, the great-grandson of the company founder. In the ads, his golden retriever, Duke, keeps threatening to reveal the family’s secret recipe, which has been handed down from generation to generation since 1922. The allure of secret recipes, formulas, or codes appeals to our imagination. In our passage today, Jesus revealed that His followers have the secrets of the knowledge of the kingdom of God! This announcement occurred after Jesus told the Parable of the Sower to the large crowd. He concluded, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (v. 8). Puzzled, the disciples asked Him what the parable meant. Before providing the meaning of the allegory, Jesus responded with a quotation from Isaiah 6. In that context, Isaiah had just responded to the call from God, and his first instruction was, “Go and tell this people: ‘Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving’” (Isa. 6:9). God went on to describe how His people would be judged for their sins—and yet a root of hope would remain. With that in mind, as we look at Jesus’ explanation of His parable, we note that only a fraction of seed ends up bearing fruit. Most who hear the Word fall away or find spiritual desire choked by the cares of the world. Though initially this appears discouraging, we have hope that God is preserving His Word and His people. Even the greatest trials and most severe judgments will not obliterate them forever. Two elements of Jesus’ dialogue with the disciples are particularly noteworthy. First, it appears that only the disciples had the spiritual curiosity to ask Jesus the meaning of the parable. In response to their petition, Jesus answered. Second, the knowledge of the kingdom of God is directly connected to the way God works through His Word for His people. Both in Isaiah and in the parable, the Word went forth. And in both instances, a remnant of His people was preserved. ________________________________________ TODAY ALONG THE WAY Our growth in the knowledge of God depends on His Word. Do we proclaim it? Do we nurture it as a priority in our lives? Do we go to God with our questions about it? These indicate a healthy growth pattern for believers! Our knowledge of God also gives us hope in the face of testing, whether in our own lives or when we see God’s people facing difficult times. We have the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God: He will prosper His Word and protect His people (see 2 Cor. 4:9). Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Read: 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 We have the mind of Christ. - 1 Corinthians 2:16 TODAY IN THE WORD What credential enables someone to understand Scripture? Is a Ph.D. required? Clearly not, since some professors of theology and biblical studies use their knowledge to argue against the truth of God’s Word. What about a background in the sciences, in order to know the details of God’s creation? But some brilliant scientists conclude that the supernatural is absent from the natural world. Perhaps in-depth exploration of the human psyche and interactions makes the Bible clearer? Again, some astute observers of the human condition have determined that spirituality is simply a coping mechanism, not the reality of a relationship with the Savior. The Corinthian culture prized rhetorical flourish and extensive education. These things weren’t inherently evil, but the problem came when they were valued above the truth of God’s Word. Advanced degrees, polished public speaking, or high I.Q. scores are not the foundation for our spiritual growth. In today’s text, Paul describes the work of the triune God as essential for us to gain wisdom. First, God the Father has prepared great things for us, wonders beyond the scope of our imagination or scientific discovery. Paul alludes to Isaiah 64, which describes God as one who acts on behalf of His people, a powerful God who still cares deeply for their well being (Isa. 64:4-5). Second, we must have the Holy Spirit (v. 10). We are not left to our own limited devices—the Spirit has been given to us to enable us to know the words and deeds and character of God. Through the Spirit it is possible for us to understand spiritual truth. Third, we have the mind of Christ. The word mind encompasses more than just intellectual capability; it includes the will, disposition, and attitude. Philippians 2 introduces the description of Jesus’ humility and sacrificial love in this way: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus . . .” (v. 5, KJV). Here is a key to our growth in knowledge—a love for others in obedience to God that reveals spiritual discernment of the wondrous care of God. No matter what your level of education, you can have spiritual knowledge and wisdom. God has prepared great things for us, He has sent His Holy Spirit to indwell us, and we have the example of the Lord Jesus to guide us. What sources have you looked to for spiritual discernment? Have you been swayed by the world’s credentials? Our Christian leaders should be characterized by the mind of Christ and the leading of the Spirit. Only then can they have the insight to understand the truth.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 20:50:18 +0000

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