The lady is back in Africa (Zimbabwe) from a successful diplomatic - TopicsExpress


The lady is back in Africa (Zimbabwe) from a successful diplomatic offensive whose fruits will start falling as EVIDENCE this weekend. hahahaha. Can anyone please tell me what is Top news these days not the Ukrainian Crisis or the Malaysian MH370 flight wich will never be found anyway or the South Korean ship wich sank wit 300 people sitting wit life jacket ready or Mugabes right eye ...ndezvevakuru otherwise you die like Maurice Nyagumbo who committed suicide at gun point or Mangoma and his people because they are no longer part of Mdc after joining Zanu pf ... I can openly tok to Bekezela Maduma Fuzwayo of Welshmans extinct party than toking to someone without a political party. .. I REPEAT ...PLEASE DONT TELL ME ABOUT MANGOMA , PROMISE MKWANANZI OR SHONHE OR JACOB MAFUME OR MAINGEHAMA FAMILY or TENDAI BITI we dont have anything we share or not share ...Zviya vanoita nezvei. Pishai Muchauraya is much better because he privately says he is just following a dark horse but his aim is to put pressure on his President Morgan Tsvangirai deliberately to make him pull his socks ( anopenga but is safe because he doesnt put all his legs to test a flooded river like his dark horse Mangoma... this one is nw TOO DARK hahaha
Posted on: Thu, 24 Apr 2014 11:41:55 +0000

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