The last 2 nights as James and I have sat on the front porch swing - TopicsExpress


The last 2 nights as James and I have sat on the front porch swing listening to the wonderful sounds of night approaching, I have been overwhelmed with thankfulness for the journey the Lord has been taking us on. This journey started a few years ago as our desire for a simpler life kept coming up in conversation. But it wasnt that desire that finally really led us to making so many life changes. It was necessity. We have had a financial crisis of sorts happen in the last 3 years. Some of it has been our own poor stewardship and lack of good financial decisions and some of it has just been the nature of our dwindling economy. As James made more, our taxes increased drastically, and we didnt downsize our life quick enough which leads to major debt... Debt is such an ugly word... For us the more we made, the more we spent and then the more we owed. We knew it was happening but didnt stop the domino effect quick enough..... What I think is amazing is during this time God was preparing our hearts for a simpler life so when the BIG life changes came we were truly ready... This process has not been easy or glamorous... I realized I have often posted the great side of our simple living but I wasnt being truly truthful and transparent. I wasnt sharing the whole journey with you out of embarrassment. I am only doing so now because the Lord has laid it in on my heart so heavily... When the Lord continues to lay things on our heart we are very foolish if we dont follow His leading... I have been foolish many times but in this journey I truly desire to honor him... When we moved out to the farm and started renting it from my parents I thought that was the would fix all our financial problems.... That one step has led us to make more decisions of leading a simpler life... Things like getting rid of cable and our smart phones... Each of these decisions have been half out of trying to budget better and pay down our mountain of debt but the other half have been just desiring the peace that comes from not having all those things... Getting rid of our smart phones was harder for me than James because he really didnt use his but I did...As the matter of fact I used mine way TOO MUCH!!! You dont realize how often you are on something until you dont have it anymore. At first it was hard but then this overwhelming peace settled on me as I realized I had been missing life around me as I spent it constantly with one eye on my kids and 1 eye on my phone. I have been without a smart phone for many months now and we both thank the Lord daily for removing those distractions from our lives... Please know I am not saying that smart phones are bad or against God.., I am only saying for me at this season of life being without one has actually been a blessing for my family. Getting rid of cable is something we have tried numerous times because of the trash on tv but when football season approached we always gave in and got hooked up again... So here we are 2 weeks into football season and realizing we actually are enjoying sitting outside in the shade listening to Alabama football on the radio. Again another thing that has not been easy to give up but the rewards of doing so have actually been wonderful... We have been checking out great family movies from church and watching them together at night. I feel as if I am rambling but I hope it is making some sense.... This journey to a simpler debt free life has not and will not come without major sacrifices... but along the way these simple blessings have been amazing.... We are truly only at the beginning of this journey and many more challenges will arise.. I have days where I just want to move... back to a house with an updated bathroom or for that matter 2 bathrooms... 7 people sharing 1 old OLD bathroom has not been easy but it can be done !!!! We have been so hot at times this summer without central ac(we have a window unit and fans) but then we all go sit outside under the shade tree and just chat and I find myself thanking God for these simple moments with my husband and children. Actually sometimes Im really grumpy and I start complaining but then this soft voice (The Holy Spirit) reminds me of how blessed I truly am... 7 people in less than 1000 sq feet has had its moments..4 noisy boys and a messy hormonal teenage daughter are not always fun to be in such close quarters with but I feel I know my kids better now than ever ad for that I am so grateful... This journey has been hard and frustrating and at times I have failed terribly at being grateful in all things but I truly wouldnt have it any other way. I am thankful for the many lessons the Lord continues to teach us through this humbling process. I am thankful that the Lord keeps working on this sorry old person (ME) despite my constant grumbling at times... He gives me moments out in the field or on the porch with nothing but the fireflies for company, and I realize how blessed truly blessed I am.... Not with material possessions anymore but with family and love and TIME to spend with those I love. With peace as I sit there not needing the noise to feel a void.. being able to just sit and talk to God.... Life is about mistakes and learning from those mistakes... God can take our mistakes and bring joy and peace in the midst of our craziness... God has taken our mountain of debt and a crazy schedule and given us a time to learn a whole new way of living.. A way of living that focusses on family and relationships and conversations and camping together.... God doesnt just fix our problems...We created this debt and it will take us years to get out of it but He continues to bless us with these moments that remind us of His greatness....and His purpose for our lives!!!!!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 14:17:48 +0000

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