The last stage of the preparation of the 49th World Ijtema . - TopicsExpress


The last stage of the preparation of the 49th World Ijtema . Meanwhile the country - and abroad , has come to the devout worshipers Ijtema ground . The first phase began in January 4 through January 6 prayer will end closing entries . The second phase will begin on January 31 through February prayers will end closing entries . According Ijtema , in two seasons ijatemaya organizing committee and the management of millions of people are musallira accommodation . Worshipers of meals by themselves . Ijatemaya country - and abroad to musallidera eminent Islamic thinker and tabaligera elders , religious , personal , family , both here and Hereafter in the statement . Ijtema Maidan, Maulana Farid Ahmed said the custodian , preparing the ground for about 95 percent of the work has been completed . Today is Tuesday percent complete . Ijtema Maidan to ensure unrestricted access Turag nade Army Corps of Engineering has eight floating pontoon bridge . Built on 160 acres of land in the vast marquee acts , stake nambarapleta , khitta number, juraneoyali church wagon , wagon tasakila , the number of setting the stage light . Efficiently to listen to the testimony of the whole field of about 350 words pratidhbanirodhaka maikasaha umbrella will be placed in various spots around the 500 mic . For foreign guests, hot - cold, clean drinking water for musalli come ijatema , toilets , flowing and Bath is enough . Law enforcement agencies in all preparations . The first two phases of the 3 musalli Ijtema khittaya position in the field of 40 . Each khittaya be worshipers led by a dummy . North -west corner of the field, the distinguished foreign guests khitta for . Entrance : the local rally - scheduled khittaya millions of foreigners entering the country and around the entrance to the 18 s . With the entrance of foreign guests khitta number of field 1 . 1 for the north side of the 19 numbers khittaya entering numbers from 1 to 6 , 7 number ( formerly the Telephone Industry Association ) and the west entrance to the floating bridge numbers 17-18 will be easy to use . 31 to enter 40 numbers khittaya 9 , 10 and 11 numbers ( Honda and soap factory side ) , south and west of turage 1 floating bridges , floating bridges 13 , 14 , 15 may be used to access easy . Factory rebate at the side of the 8 , 9 and 15 floating bridge , 16 , 17 , 18 numbers from 0 to 30 the number of entrance into khittaya be easy . Besides, by the way, can be entered in the field . If he enters the field, the crowd of worshipers in the way khitta adjacent two - e survival organizing committee said . Movement in the right direction at the time, whose worshipers who will walk orderly atmosphere tabaligi elders said .
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 02:47:19 +0000

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