The latest leaked documents show Edward Snowden UFO - TopicsExpress


The latest leaked documents show Edward Snowden UFO pictures In recent months, various media have surprised the public by publishing documents and controversial statements came from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden . News One such was , according to some documents Snowden, the U.S. government has been directed to shadow for alien government since 1945. Another such issue was news that apparently the U.S. government is preparing nothing more and nothing less than the famous Project Blue Beam , the fake alien invasion. But now Edward Snowden news again , this time by a series of slides that appear to show a government UFO documents leaked by former contractor. Sonwden and alleged UFO pictures As reported by various media , slides belong to a PowerPoint presentation created by the British spy agency GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) . The striking images have caused a stir in the social media and among conspiracy theorists and UFO . But interestingly , some experts have argued that trying to completely fake photographs , which could indicate some kind of government plan in order to discredit the many real UFO that occur every day in many parts of the world. Ufologist Nigel Watson is one of the experts who have argued that the disputed photographs are probably false . The presentation has three UFO pictures , slide 35 to 37 , said Nigel Watson on Yahoo News. The first picture is in black and white and shows a UFO over Red Bud , Illinois , taken on April 23, 1950 , the second a screenshot from a video filmed by Arturo Robles Gil in Mexico and appeared to be a foreign object in heaven and the third was taken on 01 August 2011 by a tourist in Black Head, Trenarren near St. Austell, Cornwall , UK. Edward Snowden shows images of UFOs Watson also said that all courts images correctly analyzed and explained in one of the photographs was a hubcap thrown in the air , in another a mylar balloon deflated and finally a gull . But according to Watson, believes that the document is really the test mentally government attempts to control the population and slides are part of the guidelines for spies on the way of spreading false information through the Internet . The main evidence for concealment of UFO reports and handling of UFO beliefs , as revealed by the documents published by Edward Snowden, is contained in a PowerPoint presentation called The Art Of Deception : Training for a New generation of covert operations on the Internet , said Watson. These documents were created by GCHQ , the British secret intelligence agency and has 50 related to the use of the Internet for psychological operations slides. They were created by a unit called The Common Threat Research Intelligence Group ( JTRIG ) and were directly aimed at the government of the United States, the National Security Agency (NSA ) and other agencies. Both Watson and other theorists conspiracy are more than confident that governments know that UFOs assumptions can be used to control the minds of citizens , so that Snowden leaked slides can be a big blow for agencies using the presentation to train its spies. Government agencies are aware of the power of belief in UFOs , and are willing to use the Internet to exploit these beliefs, Watson told the media . Such deception can be used as a means to cover ground more mundane activities , like testing secret aircraft or military or to undermine the credibility of ufologists exercises. The whole point of the presentation is to discuss how you can use the media on the internet to discredit people and spreading deception . Unfortunately , there is no explanatory text accompanying the images of UFOs , so we can only speculate about what time were being used to do us harm. Moreover, it could all be part of another kind of conspiracy , because in recent months many media talking publicly about conspiracies that were hidden from the public. In the mainstream media have returned to unearth the conspiracy theory of the 11S or 23F Spanish conspiracy , to name a few. This new filter could be part of a new conspiracy never seen before, where they themselves provide us access to some of his Machiavellian plans with a single objective , the control of mankind.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:41:32 +0000

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