The lesson I am now learning to become a spiritually filled - TopicsExpress


The lesson I am now learning to become a spiritually filled catholic christian is - the higher level peace Jesus is offering to us all when accepted, do the following comfort in my heart physically and mentally: no matter how big my problems and worries, after trying to resolve without any results, I offer them to Jesus; before hate and revenge comes into my heart, I invite Jesus and the Holy Spirit to dwell in my entire being, hence peace comes into my heart; above all things Jesus is LOVE. Love originates from the Holy Trinity. When I ask for it God will fill up your heart/cup over flowing to the brim and now you can offer and give it to others. When love is in me then a little understanding,patience, humility and other virtues will start to come. Oh Lord please grant us the gift of knowing you clearly, the gift of loving you dearly and the gift of following you nearly. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 14:24:08 +0000

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