The letter below has been sent to the Sunshine Coast Daily, and - TopicsExpress


The letter below has been sent to the Sunshine Coast Daily, and the Courier Mail. STOP KILLING THE DINGOES OF WORLD HERITAGE LISTED FRASER ISLAND. As a consequence of a minor incident at Eli Creek involving a Tourist, a Ranger, in the employ of Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services, (“QPWS”) was overheard saying that he would “destroy the dingo on Sunday after the backpackers left”. Apparently backpackers were playing with the dingo, and one of the party received a nip, which was observed by a Ranger. Where is the duty of care by the Ranger, to the dingo and to the tourists? Why should this dingo lose its life because of this fundamental lack of duty of care by an authority charged with the care of a World Heritage Listed Island and all that lives and breathes on that Island? We have no doubt that another placid dingo is doomed for killing by rangers employed by QPWS Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services, employees have been engaged in and continue to be engaged in killing a significant number of dingoes (Canis lupus dingo) within the Fraser Island World Heritage Area in the State of Queensland, for more than ten years. QPWS are unable to provide details of numbers of how many dingoes there are surviving on Fraser Island. These killings are done on the alleged argument of “management” and balancing the interests of tourism. The dingoes that are being killed are resident within the Fraser Island World Heritage Area, and contribute to the biodiversity, ecological function and ongoing evolutionary processes of the Fraser Island World Heritage Area. The Fraser Island World Heritage Area was included in 1992 on the World Heritage List kept under Article 11 of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and remains on the list. The world heritage values of the Fraser Island World Heritage Area are summarised as an outstanding example representing significant ongoing geological processes, biological evolution and man’s interaction with his natural environment; and containing unique or superlative natural phenomena, formations or features of exceptional natural beauty. The dingoes that are being killed by the rangers employed by QPWS are a part of, and contribute to, the world heritage values of the Fraser Island World Heritage Area, including through the dingoes’ ecological and evolutionary role as a high level predator within the Fraser Island World Heritage Area. The ongoing needless killing of dingoes on Fraser Island, has had or is likely to have a significant impact on the world heritage values of the Fraser Island World Heritage Area in contravention of section 12 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth). We demand that this killing of dingoes stop immediately!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Jul 2013 01:07:47 +0000

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