The level of depth, lucidity, and analytical skills from many - TopicsExpress


The level of depth, lucidity, and analytical skills from many Chinese intellectuals, specially those newbies and academics who were educated in China mainland, and suffused with that silly worship of democracy-American style is downright infantile and sophomoric. Sad to say.... many of these Chinese academics, being namby-pamby unsophisticates, try to imitate their American counterparts. They internalize all that silly stuff in American academia, and try to sound knowleageable about democracy, and end up mumbling through, neither here nor there. A good illustration of this .... a shallow usefless op-ed piece, is herewith presented from an alleged Chinese professor who neither grasps the American end of it, in terms of geo-political knuckles and agit-prop regime-change and color revolution operations..... nor the Chinese end of it.... with all this hooey about democracy, American-style. Hog wash, Mi-Tian-Kung. Zhiqun Zhu is Director of the China Institute and a professor of political science and international relations at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. And what he wrote here is pure rubbish... all hot air signifying nothing. Nada.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 00:11:06 +0000

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